Chapter 17: The Wedding

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-One Year Later-

Kirito's POV:

It's been a year since the proposal...and since we lost Yumi. (Y/n) has gotten better and he's been more happier.

Today was the happiest day of my life, because it was our wedding day. Here I stand at the alter, waiting for when (y/n) walks through the door.

Then it happened, the double doors opened and the music started. I seen (Y/n) in a wedding dress and that made me smile. I could see him blushing and slowly walking while his cousin was giving him away.

When we were finally together, I politely pulled him closer to me and held his hand lovingly. We then faced each other as the pastor spoke.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in holy matrimony to bind these two people in love together forever. Now...Kirito...I would like for you to repeat after me."

"Yes sir I will"

"I, Kirito", the pastor said.

"I Kirito", I repeated.

"Take you (Y/n)", the pastor said.

"Take you...beautiful (Y/n)", I chuckled.

It then seemed like the pastor disappeared as I stared in those beautiful blue eyes.

"To have and to hold."

"In sickness and in health"

"Till the day I die.".

It was then (Y/n)'s turn to repeat those words. I listened to each and every words with love and I  never wanted more than to continue to listen to it.

When he finished, it was time for the vows. And I turned red.

"To (y/n)...the love of my life, my soon to be wife and my friend. I give you my life, my love and soul. Rescuing you made me realize how close to death I was...but it also made me realize how close to I was in heaven. I love you and will fight for my one and only angel"

When I finished that I seen he was in tears. I kissed his hands and wiped his glistening years with my own. I then waited for him.


Your POV:

After the beautiful speech that your love made, it was your turn. You looked up at him and almost lost your breath from the charming smile he gave.

"Kirito, my fallen Angel, protector, and guardian in black. I bestow upon you with my life and love. All those memories and lessons we've learned together...all the heart ache and obstacles we've pushed through had made me realize that...we're the perfect two. I love you and will spend the rest of my life with you"

You heard the entire room erupt in cheers and applause as they heard the both of your speeches. You then heard the pastor that it was alright for the both of you to kiss. When he pulled you by your waist, you gasped and felt the world stop. You then pressed your lips against his.

The kiss you both shared was long and filled with love. When the both of you pulled away, he scooped you up; bridal style. You giggled some and then nuzzled your husband.

Walking away from the altar, down the aisle made the whole room toss rice at the both of you.   Now you were happy as you clung to your rescuer in black.

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