Chapter 27: The Training Begins

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Kirito's POV:

A few days after the announcement and (y/n) still felt uneasy. I was freaking out, I never reached the 100th floor, let alone beat Akihiko at his own game. It made me realize that I haven't been training.

My new routine started off with waking up and showering. After doing them, I ate and kissed (y/n) ; it was a parting kiss. My entire days, so far, consisted with me training until 8 p.m.

"How was training?," my wife asked me.

He lovingly placed a bowl of piping hot stew in front of me and kissed my forehead.

"It was good, I maxed out today on all my agility skills, just need to train more for levels...I'm close to level two hundred," I ate and smiled.

His cooking always made me smile; it showed how much love and effort he put into providing for me and our little bun.

"That's good. Maybe I should go and max out my levels too. My magic and such are maxed out, just need to do my agility," he said while looking at his agility bars.

"It's too're pregnant (y/n), I don't want you to get hurt," I held him close.

He sighed, but nodded.

"Yeah, I'll end up losing it anyways. The day of the tournament, is the day I give birth and the day our fates are all decided," he looked at me sadly.

I could tell he was freaking out about this. The pressure was real and I needed to just push it in the far corners of my head. I wanted to stay strong for my wife and child, but even that was tough.


It's been three days since my non-stop training has been going on. I keep pushing forward because I want to live and I want everyone in this game to live. Even though I admire Akihiko, he's a monster for trapping everyone in this virtual hell.

As the days close in on the final day, I get more nervous. A weird feeling in the pit of my stomach tells me, no matter how much I train, I still might lose. It's the loving thoughts of seeing my (y/n) in real life that fuels me. He'll always be the light in any of my darkest days.

On my day home, I ran into Klien. He was telling me about how he heard the announcement, how he felt sorry for me, and how he wish he could help me. I only gave him a small smile and nodded silently. After our conversation, I continued on my way home.

It was unusually quiet in the house. The lights were on, but I didn't see or hear my wife. I began to panic and frantically search the house for him. My worry level down spiraled as I seen him asleep in the tub. I chuckled and then tickled his nose.

"Hey...gorgeous. Wake up or you'll get an internet cold from the bath," I smiled lovingly at him.

His cute little whine made he smirk and trail my hand over his belly. While he was getting up, I felt a little kick. I immediately gasped and touched that spot again.

"The babies moving," (y/n) said happily.

I only chuckled and rubbed around his belly more. The slight kicking made my day happier. I felt so proud of myself for bringing this bundle of joy into this virtual reality, it's just a shame that I won't even be there for the birth.

"What's wrong love?," he asked softly.

"I'm disappointed," I said while snuggling the belly.

He only played with my hair and sighed.

"Let me guess...disappointed you won't see the baby being born," he said.

He hit the nail on the head and made me nod.

"Why couldn't he pick the next day? I mean...I finally have my that I love with my heart," I sighed.

He only shook his head.

"It's matter what. I want to meet you I'm real life," he cupped my cheek and kissed me.

The kiss lifted my spirits and made me smile. This little vixen knew how to make me lose my mind. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and initiated a french kiss. The next thing I knew, we were in out bedroom, making out on the bed.

"Kirito~," he gave out a sweet moan.

It made me groan and growl. He knew all the ways to turn me on. When his little arms wrapped around my neck, he pulled me in for another kiss. I complied and ground my erection against him.

A guild alert ruined the moment and made me hiss; my baby was whinning while under me. I wanted so badly to screw him, but alas I had to leave to train. He sat up, begging me with his eyes, but I sighed.

"I'm sorry baby, I have to go...I don't want to give that bastard your life, so I'll train hard for you," I said before kissing him good-bye.

I seen him lay down and heard him sobbing. It broke my heart hearing it, but I didn't want him to die, so I'm gonna fight.

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