Chapter 30: The Real World

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Kirito's POV:

As the game system shut off, everything went black. The once beautiful Aicrad had shattered into million particles in this virtual world. The darkness was short, as a blinding light pierced through. I seen familiar faces and covered my eyes.

"K-kirito nii-chan!," I heard my little cousin scream.

He jumped on me and I groaned.

" are you aunty and..umm..Sugushi," I said a bit awkwardly.

My little cousin flicked my nose and giggled.

"Oh i've missed you so much Kirito-niichan," He started to cry.

I sighed and held his skin figure on my body and held my aunt's hand. Once I had the strength to stand, I patted Sugu's back, so he could get off of me. When he did, I placed my feet on the floor and shivered.

"Is this really happening? Am I actually with you guys, or am I dead?," I asked.

Sugu only patted my back while wiping his tears.

"It's real's really real," He nuzzled me.

I smiled and then thought about (Y/n). I went wide eyed and gasped.

"(Y/n)! I need to find him!," I said and rushed to sit up.

I went to the nurse and gripped her by her shoulders.

"Please take me to where all the other players are...I need to find someone," I said.

She nodded and then asked me to sit in a wheel chair, so she could easily help me with my request.

"Here it is Kazuto-kun. All this floor is filled entirely with all the players from Japan," She said and I smiled.

I seen Klein and Egile, but not the one person I came to see. When I lost hope, I sighed. It was when I seen blondie that I perked up. I called out to him and he rushed over.

"Kirito! It really is you!," He exclaimed happily.

He then picked me up and hugged me. It was a bone crushing hug that lasted about five minutes, but I smiled.

"So...umm...I've honestly forgotten your name. I'll just call you blondie. So, blondie...where's (Y/n) at?," I asked.

He smiled and then set me back down.

"He's in a private room in our hospital," He explained.

I nodded and then looked to him.

"Can you take me to him? I would like to see him," I asked.

He sighed and then nodded.

"Yes you can, but I doubt anything will happen," He said.

I looked at him confusedly and then quirked a brow.

"What do you mean?," I asked.

He then patted my shoulder.

"He's still unconscious," He said.

I went wide eyed and then gasped.

"What do you mean?," I asked.

"Well...since the game ended, he's still been unconscious. We have him hooked up to IVs and fluid drips so he can stay healthy," He exclaimed.

I nodded and then sighed. I really wanted to see him, but I had to heal up first. I looked to Blondie and then sighed.

"Well...when I'm healthy and back to my normal health, will you please take me to him?," I asked.

Blondie nodded and then smiled.

"I promise on my life Kirito; savior of lives," He bowed and then made his way to where the rest of the players were.

I observed and seen him pull a black haired boy in his arms. Blondie kissed his lover and they shared a loving kiss. That only made me want to do the exact same thing with my husband, but I sighed.

My True Love (Kirito X Uke!Male!Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now