Chapter 6: A Daughter?

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Your POV:

You woke up the next morning sore...but at the same time happy. You and Kirito had officially became a couple. You smiled and blushed at that and finally got out of bed. Soaking in hot water seemed to relax your muscles and made the pain melt away. When you were out of the shower, dry, and dressed, you headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

You prepped all of the food and started to cook. In about a minute, scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon was finished and you went upstairs to your lover. When you reached the master bedroom, you straddled him and pepper kissed his face until he woke up. With a smile you kiss his lips and nuzzled him.

"Breakfast is ready love..."
You then got off of him and laid next to him. In ten minutes he was up and in his regular black clothing. The both of you ate and flirted. When breakfast was done he helped you clean and snuck a few kisses on your neck and you couldn't help but moan and blush. When everything was done...even the both decided to take a walk around the forest. You gasped seeing how the morning dew kissed upon the leaves and shone as the suns' rays hit it. You then looked to Kirito.

"So love...why did you choose this place to live?" You asked striking a conversation.

"I chose this place because of the spooky story I heard"
He replied to you with a small smile on his face.

"What spooky story is that?"
You said a bit nervous. You hated spooky or scary things.

"Well...there's a rumor going around Aincrad that there's a ghost that roams in the forests here. It's of a young girl who wears a white dress"
As soon as he said that you scoffed thinking that he was just making it up to scare you. You then turned around and seen a small glimpse of a figure that was surrounded by light. Your eyes went wide and you nuzzled Kirito shaking.

"K-kirito...I-i seen it"
You shook, afraid to look again.

"Seen what the ghost? It can't be...that's just a rumor..."
He replied a little unsure about your proclamation.

"N-no...I promise...i-i seen it"
You then pointed to the figure that was slowly making its way across the small stream. It was far away but you seen it. When Kirito seen it be gasped and looked at you. He gave you a look and the both of you ran quickly to see if the rumors were true.

When you reached where you seen the figure, a small girl laid on the ground unconscious and whimpering. You gasped and held her looking at Kirito.
"We have to bring her to the house...she has a fever".
He nodded and carried the girl while you followed along in hot pursuit.

When you reached your house, you immediately went to make a quick onion soup so that she could warm up quickly but also have some food in her system. You instructed Kirito to watch over her while you made the soup.


Kiritos POV:

As (y/n) went to make the soup, I set a dampened rag on the little girls forehead and made sure to tuck her under the blankets. Every now and then, I changed the rag and smiled. She reminded me of my little sister. When (y/n) came back with the bowl of soup, I woke her up and propped her up on the headboard of the bed. She stirred and woke up then looked at us. I guess she began to panic a little so (y/n) started to talk.

"Don't worry sweetie...your not gonna be harmed...we just want you to have some food in your system so you can get better."
With a small nod, my Angel fed her until the bowl was gone. When the little cutie was full and satisfied I smiled and looked at her.

"My name is Kirito...and this is my lover (y/n)...what's your name?".
I didn't expect her to reply, but she smiled tiredly and looked at me.

"M-my name is Yui..mama..papa"
She then dozed off to sleep in a slight food coma. I was taken back at her calling the both of us her parents...but somehow I liked that idea. I then looked to (y/n).

"My love...would you like to adopt her?"
I know it was too sudden, but it just felt right to ask. When he nodded I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. Now we have a daughter to call out own.

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