Chapter 24: We're Having A Baby!

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Your POV:

After weeks of having checks ups and what-not, you sighed. You were still throwing up, losing health points, and feeling miserable.

As you were in the kitchen, Kirito hugs you from behind and kisses your neck.

"How's my beautiful wife doing?," he asked while smiling.

You only blushed and gave a soft giggle.

"Other than feeling miserable, pretty hungry actually. Want anything for lunch?," you asked while pecking his lips.

He nodded and then asked if you could make him sashimi, since you were given fish by your friends again.

"Sure...I'll whip up a batch of soy sauce too," you hummed and then checked your recipes to create it.


After lunch was done, you sighed: You were still feeling hungry after eating all of the fish. You then stood up and went back into the kitchen with the dirty dishes. As you were cleaning up, you had this odd craving for pizza with an over easy egg on it. You quickly wrapped up and started on making it.

When you were done, you ate the entire pizza pie to yourself and smiled; it eased your hunger. After cleaning up, again, you head upstairs to clean your face.

As you were walking to the bathroom, you passed the mirror and gasped.

"Kirito!," you yelled.

A few thumps and stumbling could be heard, but he rushed in.

"What!? What is it (y/n)?!," he said worriedly, sword drawn.

You looked at him with wide eyed and then looked back at the mirror.

"M-my belly...look at it," you motioned to the mirror.

He looked down at your belly, then at the mirror, a confused look on his face as he gaped at you.

"Umm...w-what's wrong (y/n)?," he asked hesitantly.

You only looked at him and teared up. How stupid could you have been, the morning sickness, cravings, mood swings: you were pregnant! As you rubbed your little bump, you smiled at your husband.

"Kirito...I'm pregnant," you said softly.

It took a couple of minutes, but he gasped.

"How? You're male? How can this happen? Can this even happen? I meant his is a game, but how?" he rambled.

You only frowned and looked at him.

"Do you not want it? Does having a child only mean grief for you?," you asked.

He gave you a pained expression and walked out the door. After he left, you bawled and cried there while touching your bump. You didn't want to get rid of it because it was Yui's dying wish. It made your heart ache to know Kirito wanted nothing to do with it, so you laid in bed alone and depressed.


The next day, you paid a visit to the clinic. You explained to them what happened and they were baffled.

"A pregnant male? This is revolutionary!," the player doctor exclaimed.

You sighed, but stayed quiet nonetheless. After the check up, you asked them to keep this special case secret; you didn't want the wrong people finding out. They agreed, and you left the clinic.

When you got home, the house was quiet. You called for Kirito, but he was no where to be found. The chime of your notifications alerted you and you found a message from your husband.

(Y/n), I'm out on a guild mission. I won't be back for a week. Please understand that I need some time to think of the sudden news.

After reading the note, you sighed. You didn't feel like eating, even though your stomach rumbled in protest. This gift was a curse and a blessing all in one, but you still felt grateful.

"Don't worry little one, mama is gonna love you with all my heart," you smiled and rubbed your bump.

It completely infatuated and raptured you. The thought did sound funny, a pregnant male, but you didn't care. It also sparked a thought:to allow male pregnancy in the gaming system. It would gay couples to experience what a mothers goes through While pregnant. While pondering on the thought, you drifted off to sleep; the thought of Yui smiling at you,while she kissed your swollen belly, filled your dreams and made you happy.

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