Chapter 9: Yuuki Asuna

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Your POV:

You day began like every other: beautiful and tranquil. You were up and awake before Kirito and Yui, so you decide to go for a walk. You hummed and looked up at the ocean up above you and felt a warmth spread through your body.

When you got to the teleportation gate, you stopped to rest. As you were about to go and walk back to your house, someone appears from the teleporter. You turn back and seen that it was Asuna. Not wanting to talk to her you hide behind a tree. Seeing she was gone you sighed and went back to your house.

When you got back to your house, there she was cooking breakfast. You hissed and walked in giving her the meanest glare.

"Excuse me...who are you to just prance in and use my kitchen to you hearts content?", you ask with a lot of sass. She only looked at you and scoffed.

"Oh you mean this kitchen? Well...sorry hun...I'm his wife so I'll be making his every meal", she said showing her finger and smirking at you. She then went back to cooking.

When you heard her say that she was Kiritos wife, you immediately went upstairs and shook him awake rudely.

"What the hell is Asuna doing in here! And why did she say she was your wife!", you began to tear up. You then felt strong arms around yoi, pulling you into a hug.

"I'm sorry (y/n), she is my wife", is all he said.

You then pulled away from him and struggled to suppress the river streams from cascading down your face. So, in a sudden rush, you packed your things and carried Yui. You didn't utter a single word as you left, even as Kirito was calling for you.

You tuned out his voice and continued on to the teleporter. When he tugged on your arm, you pushed him away. As beads of years streamed down your face, you slapped him.

"Leave me alone...I cant believe that you would do this to me...was my love just a game to you?", the thing that baffled you most was his silence. You knew he felt ashamed but you also knew he wouldn't do anything. So you just smiled sadly at him

"Good-bye Kirito...we'll never see each other again..", and with that you continued to the teleporter and went to Granzam. The last thing you thought about was how much Kirito had actually chosen Asuna over you and that made your heart shatter into a million pieces.


I know it's a short chapter. Please dont hate on me for not updating either.

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Updated will be slow and steady. I'm trying to keep up with being a straight A student.

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