Chapter 10: Memory Loss

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Your POV:

You had cried the entire time you walked in town. Yui only seemed to watch you with a sad expression as you cried what seemed to be a river. When you used your money to buy a room, you had remembered all the times you spent with Kirito.

"Mama...why did we leave papa with that weird lady?", she asked tugging on your shirt.

"Because he doesn't love us anymore", you replied sternly.

"He never did", you finally said before wiping your tears and sniffling.

You then looked to see Yui crying on her own. Your heart wrenched seeing that, so you decided to do anything to cheer her up.

"Yui...please look at mama...don't cry...big girls don't cry okay? If it will make you happy mama will get you anything you want", you smiled and wiped her tears.

"Okay mama!", she said excitedly while hugging you. You hugged her back and heaved a sigh of freedom.

The day had went on as you and Yui went to a festival in the town. The festival was to celebrate the beautiful cave that holds powerful gems. You held her on your neck and smiled as the serene boat glided across the river stream in the middle of the town.

When she fell asleep, you took her back to the room and laid her on the bed. You hummed to her a little while kissing her head. You then went to go look at the round moon. Seeing its glory, you sang a little to let you sadness and frustration out.

When opening your eyes, you heard a twig snap and gasped. You seen two men coming towards you. You tried to walk away but two more came next to you. You panicked and then tried to run away.

Right before you could run away, your hands and legs were held down. They raped you and violated your body, then when they were done, they left you there. You only sobbed and cried.

When you got up, you started to walk back to your room and to your daughter. Your body felt so disgusting, you began to scratch at it. Right when you were about to walk up the steps, you tripped and hit your head against the cobblestone staircase. It instantly knocked you out.

When morning came, you looked around. Everything you seen was either unfamiliar to you or blurry looking. When you sat up, you seen a young girl with long back hair smiling at you. She looked to be about 8 or 9, so her hugging you didn't make you question her.

"Mama...I'm so glad you're okay", she said nuzzling you. As sweet and cute as it was, it made you gently push her away.

"Umm...I don't think a guy is your mama little one...and Sorry for being rude but...who are you?", you asked scratching your head in confusion.

She only went wide eyed and teared up more.

"It's me...your daughter...Yui", she said. Her faltering voice was clearly heard as she broke down into hard sobs and tears.

"I'm sorry love...but...I don't know you", you say a little sadly. You wiped her tears away and then smiled at her.

"But...I can help you find your parents if you want", you smile. You seen her sniffle and then calm.

"Okay...I'll take you to where my papa is..", she said. So she took your hand and walked out the room. You had felt that the places you walked in were familiar but it didn't spark your memory.

When the both of you reached a beautiful house by a shimmering lake, she left you and ran inside. You followed along while looking around touching the dew covered ferns and leaves.

"What do you want (y/n)", you heard a feminine voice call. You turn and see the source of the voice.

"Umm....who's (y/n)?", you asked genuinely. It seemed that her laughing only made you more confused.

"..Don't tell me it worked...", you heard her mumble. It was a very quiet mumble, but it was heard.

" still didn't answer the question", you replied sassily. She only sighed.

"Ugh...that would be your name...", she replied. Before you could say anything in rethrn, a boy dressed all in black ran pass her and hugged you. You were shocked and quickly pushed him away. When you did that, he gave a shocked expression.

"(Y/n)....are you okay?", he asked reaching to touch you. You only flinched away and hissed.

"Stop touching me! I dont even know you!", you backed away. You eyed him out suspiciously.

"Don't worry...I won't touch you anymore...come on's getting late", he replied while sighing. It seemed so sad you could almost hear the whimper hidden in his voice as he spoke. Whatever you did really seemed to hurt him.

Walking in the house you gaped in amazement, but it all seemed familiar to you. You touched the walls and sat on a chair close to the fireplace. Why was everything a blurr, yet so familiar at the same time.


Kiritos POV:

It seemed that (y/n) had apparently lost his memory due to a head injury. I held Yui as she cried and told me everything that has happened to him. I was both pissed and depressed. I had placed him in a shitty situation and it wasn't one that would easily mended.

When she finally fell asleep, Asuna came strolling in.

"So...Kirito-kun...when are we gonna do it~?", she asked me. I only cringed at her.

"Umm....never", I replied standing up. I walked away to a separate room and locked it.

She didn't interest me at all the way (y/n) did. With his voluptuous body and sexy curves. Just remembering our first night together made the very fingertips that caressed him tingle and burn.

But, I had made him hate me instead. And, like a bomb dropping, my soon to be arousal did as well. I pondered on hearing his genuine words from his mouth.
'I hate you! I hate you!! I hate you!!!'
It replayed over and over again in my head and it threw me deeper inti sadness. What was I going to do now..

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