Chapter 7: Yui

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Your POV:

When Kirito brought up the idea to adopt the young girl you were crazy happy. Not only was he suggesting to start a family, he was ready too! This made you tackle him down and kiss him. You didn't know how to act, but something told you that this was what you do.

As the little girl lay sleeping on the bed, you straddled him and smiled.
"Kiri-chan...your so sweet wanting to adopt her..."
You smile sweetly and caress his cheek with your hand. You then placed kisses all over his face with a giggle. When you heard a whimper, you shot up and went towards the sleeping girl. You got into the bed with her and held her tightly whispering sweet nothings to calm her. You found she was awake and smiled.

"Hello are you feeling?"
You asked smiling gently.

"I-im good mama...I'm just tired"
You were shocked at her calling you mama...but you soon looked passed it and smiled.

"Well...I was about to go and make some food to eat...can you stay with papa and talk to him please?"
You asked. Seeing her nod her little head, you stood up, kissed Kirito and went to the kitchen.


Kiritos POV:

As (y/n) went to cook breakfast, I stayed with the girl and smiled. She got off the bed and ran into my arms snuggling me.

"Hehehe...what does papa want to talk about?"
She asked smiling. I pet her head and smiled back.

" and mama want to know more about you...can you please tell me what your name is?"
I asked. She only paused for a spilt second, then nodded and giggled.

"My name is Yui Ai.....And I don't remember anything after that...sorry Papa"
She looked down in shame and whimpered.

You hugged her and smiled then looked at her.
"It's okay...mama will be happy to know your name...I think Yui is a very cute name".
After I said that She smiled more and then perked up hearing when (y/n) called us down Fri breakfast.

When we got down, a feast of Sunnyside eggs, bacon, toast, oatmeal with berries and orange juice lay out in display on the table. Me and Yui smiled at each other then grabbed ourselves a plate and piled it high with food. I for one love things in the spicy side so...I walked to the ice box and grabbed the bowl of jalapenos and set it beside my plate.

Yui observed me and seen what I had in the bowl. She sat up and grabbed one then looked over to me. I looked at her mid bite and smiled.

"Yui...that's very careful okay?"

"Yes papa"
And with that she ate her eggs and honey covered toast, then bit into the jalapeno. I watched in amazement at her apettite for spicy foods and smiled. She really is a nice addition to our little family.

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