Chapter 3: Awkward Feelings & A Love Rival?

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Kirito's POV:

I woke up the next morning and remebered how beautiful (y/n) looked in white. He made me feel so special and he also made my heart beat. As I sat up I went to go and see if he was making me food in the kitchen. To my surprise he wasn't there. I frowned, i guess no breakfast today.

I decided to go take a walk out in the town I went on a date with (y/n) in and went with my normal black attire and sword. When I got there the town was bustling with vendors trying to sell their belongings and players buying things and socializing. I seen a familiar white (color hair) ette and went to go and walk with him, but I seen he was not alone. A tall player with blonde hair and a big built held his waist and he was giggling and blushing. I growled and put on a stoic expression. My heart felt like I was ripping apart and I decided that the so called 'date' we had was nothing more than a friendly dinner between friends. I then sighed and went home, not wanting to see my Angel with a god like person.

When I went home I started to pack. I was getting out of here. I didn't want to be here because I was coming down with a fever and it hurt me. Every time I looked at (y/n) with someone I felt mad and wanted to hug him. I would also feel like I was dying. What's that feeling called? Anyways I was done packing.

As I was about to walk out the door, (y/n) came walking through the door.
"Where are you going Kirito?"
He asked. I only clicked my tongue and walked passed him. He grabbed my arm and I was turned around by him.
"Please...where are you going?"

"Away from this place...I'm becoming ill".

"Oh! If your sick then you should stay in bed silly".
He was about to pull me in but I shrugged him off.

"Leave me alone! Go hang onto your new boyfriend! Your making me sick! And it hurts!"
I then stormed off and heard a faint sob. I only tried not to cry myself...I had just lost my first love.

Your POV:

You cried as Kirito began to walk out on you. You asked yourself how in the world did he come up with that conclusion of you. Your cousin then walked in. You looked up at him and then sighed figuring out why Kirito reacted. You sighed and patted his head.

You then realized he must have seen the both of you together. You gasped and realized that meant he liked you and was jealous. You blushed and giggles and then went running after him.

When you reached the teleportaion device he was already disappearing. You just jumped to try and make it in time to reach him but it was too late. Kirito disappeared and you didn't know where to look. You cried and stayed there not wanting to go anywhere.

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