Epilogue/ (A/N)

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Kirito's POV:

It's been a week since the game was erased from the world, a week of freedom, and a week without (y/n). Ever since I got out, I looked for him. When I finally found him, he was still unconscious; hooked up to an I.V and heart monitors. It broke my heart, but I knew he was still alive. If it weren't for Blondie, I would have never knew where my husband was.

"Hey (y/n). I know you can hear me. It's me, your Kazuto. Please wake up soon, so we can properly meet each other okay?," I say while holding one of his hands.

His fingers twitched a bit and I tightened my hold. A hand on my shoulder removed me from my thoughts and I see (y/n)'s cousin. He greeted me, then gave me some food and water, thanking me for being by (y/n)'s side.

"It's no problem...I still love him, even though we're in the real world...he means everything to me," I say, breaking the silence between us.

(Y/n)'s cousin smiled happily at me and then sighed. A knock on the door alerted the both of us, so blondie, what i'm gonna call him, opened it. A middle aged man, and a much younger man, walked in and stood in front of me.

"Hello...you must be the famous Kazuto-kun that watches over my son. I'm (y/n)'s father. This here is my colleague and future son-in-law Takaba Kaisei," he greeted with a polite smile.

I only seen red. Son-in-law! They're marrying off (y/n) to someone he doesn't even love! I was about to say something, but blondie beat me to it. He took his uncle out the room and they talked. While the blondie and his uncle talked, I watched this Kaisei man walk up to (y/n), sniff him, and bite his earlobe.

"You know Kazuto-kun...I really appreciate you looking after my bride so carefully...he's so precious to me afterall," He said and started to caress my beloveds face.

I glared and watched his every move. When he was about to touch (y/n)'s nipples, I removed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Don't you dare lay your disgusting fingers on him," I hissed at while staring the pervert down.

He only let out a disturbing cackle; it made me want to kill him and remove him from this world.

"Face it Kazuto-kun. You may have his heart, but I own the body," The sadistic freak chuckled while smirking. He even dared to lick his lips while eyeing (y/n) and his unconscious form.

That was it, I was gonna murder this bastard. Before I could, blondie came back in the room and sighed while giving me a defeated look.

"Kaisei-san...uncle is asking for you. You guys are heading back. An emergency call was made and you both are wanted for assisstance," he heaved out while also shaking his head.

Kaisei only nodded then smirked. When he brushed passed me, he chuckled a bit as well, leaving with a satisfied smile etched on his face. It took everything in me not to rip his head to shreds right then and there.

"See you later Kazuto-kun~," he parted in a sing-song voice that sickened me to my stomach.

Blondie only looked at me and then shook his head even more.

"Kazuto-kun...what was that all about," he asked, the awkward silence besting him the most.

"He's your cousin's fiance," was all I said before I walked out the door.

I ran to the hospital's garden to calm down and take a breather. The crisp air cleared my stuffy lungs and caressed my feverish skin. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs, to announce to the entirety of the world, that I was (y/n)'s fiancé. Not some slime ball of a person like Takaba Kaisei.


After the day ended, I left (y/n)'s side with a chaste kiss to the lips and forehead. I walked up to my room, ignoring my aunt and nephew, and proceeded to my bed. It's been this way ever since I woke up. Go to see (y/n), spend the entire day there, come home and go to sleep. I know it's unhealthy, but I feel lost. The game had been the only thing I knew, and before I knew it, (y/n) became my comfort and stability.

As I lay in bed, I remembered all the fun we had in SAO. Fishing with Yui, spending winter in a cabin, camping, and sharing food with friends. I quickly shook these thoughts from my head because I knew I would start crying. Before any tears fell, I heard a soft knock on my room door.

"Ki-chan...come on let's eat," my cousin said after he opened my door.

I nodded and sighed. When I got downstairs, I was greeted by the scent of delicious food. It only then dawned on me that I had been starving myself. I stuffed my face happily, then left after helping to clean up. I stared at my family and apologized for being distant, but they understood my dilemma and confessed about not pressing me. I thanked them both, then hugged them and continued to retire for the night.

Somehow, I knew something felt off about (y/n)'s condition, and tomorrow would be when I start finding out about it. After staring at the full moon, in all of its beauty and splendor, I wished my beloved a good nights rest and laid in bed. I closed my eyes and let pictures of happy memories drift me off into slumber. Promising that I'll be able to see my beloveds brilliant smile once again.


Hello minna~! Piko-chan here! This last chappie will be the starts of something new! (who ever can guess that reference will be rewarded).

Anywho! I'm making a second book and would love all of your support. Please and thank you!!!

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