Chapter 21: Honeymoon Spice Up Part 2 (FINAL PART)

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Your POV:

The next morning came by quickly. You arose and greeted the gleaming sun; also the happily chirping birds. Since this was about a week into your honeymoon, you wanted to spice it up more than it already was.
You then pondered on how you would do so and then got an idean.

You wrote a quick note to Kirito, about going out shopping, and then promptly left afterwards. When you reached the tailor shop, a smile formed on your face; this was no normal tailor shop. Since your friend, Alice, ran the shop, she showed you her personal collection: her lingerie collection that is.

"How much would that black playboy bunny outfit be?," you asked with a slight blush.

She only gave you a smirk and giggled darkly.

"It's free...since you're my bestie..but on one condition," she said while looking at you.

"Okay? What's the condition Alice?," you asked nervously.

"You have to dance on a stripper pole for your beloved while wearing it," she smirked.

That made your entire milky complection red as a rose.

You nodded to the condition, because you didn't have money, and added it to your secret inventory. You then asked her where you could possibly get the stripper pole from and she told you; she refered you to her friend Namy who was a blacksmith.

When you reached Namy's shop, she took you to her personal collection. She gave you the pole for free and smirked. You then knew that Alice sent her a pm, about the circumstance, and sighed. When you were done a sigh left your lips.


Your shopping spree was done and you hid the items in your inventory. When you got home, you had four bags filled with groceries. After you put all the food away, the groceries you had left over would be to make lunch: BLT sandwhiches.

After cooking the bacon, splitting the lettuce, and assembling the sandwhich, you walked to the living room. Kirito was there, sitting and sipping some coffee. You then placed the sandwhich on the table next to him, and sat on the other open chair.

"Thanks hun," he smiled and then graciously ate the food.

You only fidgeted more in your seat, as you planned the night in your head. You thought about doing another dinner, but then it would've been a repetitive evening. With a little help from Alice and Namy, the plan was formulated.

At 5 o'clock start preparing dinner, finish up dinner at 6 sharp. After dinner is done, eaten , and cleaned up, blindfold Kirito and lead him into the bedroom. Seat him on a chair, and then prepare to act sexy.

You were so nervous and embarassed, that you subconsciously stood up and were facing Kirito.

"(y/n) something wrong love?," he asked and lovingly took your hands in his.

"I-im fine my love," you reassured him and say on his lap.

You both nuzzled one another , and contently sat there for half an hour straight. When it was 5 on the dot, you went to start off the plan.


After dinner was done, you set the table up and called Kirito in for dinner. You both ate and flirted up until you were both full. After a hot cup of tea, you kissed Kirito and placed a binldfold on his eyes.

"H-hey! (y/n)? What's this all about?!," he asked and tried to take it off.

You only sighed.

"Don't touch it...I have a surprise for you and I don't want you to see it yet," you explained.

He chuckled and then shook his head.

"Okay okay...fine," he stood with a goofy grin.


When you reached the inside of the room, seated Kirito, and stood at the pole with your costume, you told him to take off the restraint in his eyes. When the blindfold came off, he looked at you with wide eyes.

"Whaaaa?," he asked dumbfounded.

"(y/n)...what's all of this?," he asked shocked, happy, and horny at the same time.

"I-it's a way to spice up our honeymoon...I wanted to show you my riding skills," you giggled and winked at him.

You were getting into your character, and that turned you on a bit. You started the music, and then started to dance. You grinded against the pole, licked it, and finally started to do some tricks. You skillfully lifted yourself to spin around the pole, did a splits, and finally rubbed your butt against it.

When you finished, Kirito had a bloody nose, a hard-on, and an animalistic --almost predator like look in his eyes. You whined, feeling the need to go up and tilt your head to the side in submission to him, and sure enough you did.

He gripped your hips and pulled you flush against his body, his hot breath fanning your nape. He then left ghost kisses on your jugular, throat and finally chin.

You let your subtle moans grow and fill the heated room. He then lifted you up by your legs, and wrapped then around his waist to support you. When he reached the bed, he laid you down and was in the perfect position.

"That was so sexy my Angel...definitely a spice up in my opinion," he said while sucking on your nipples.

"D-don't talk while nipples~," you whined.

He only chuckled and continued to devour your body. Instead of removing the play boy bunny outfit, he slid the thin piece of it fabric connected the suit all together to the side, and rubbed his leaky member against your bare entrance.

You felt his heat and rubbed against him to entice him. Since you were a good boy, he rewarded you with his golden carrot, since bunnies love carrots. You gripped the sheets with your hands, gripped his waist with your legs, and gripped his member with your hole, the sensations of pleasure taking over your body.

He bucked his hips to test the waters and then started off in a slow, but strong thrusting pace. Your ears tuned into the squelching your love hole made, and it only seemed to make your weeping member spill out more love juice.

"K-kirito~ so goood~," you drooled out.

Your moans getting louder the more he went faster. You gasped and clutched the sheets when he started biting your shoulders; the pain only added to the pleasure. Then, a scream made its way out of your mouth as you felt your prostate being rubbed against.

"I'm close (y/n)...wanna get you pregnant with my baby," he grunted out.

You only seemed to relish that idea. You got more excited at the thought of being plump and round with Kirito's baby; that thought made you more excited. By the time he went harder, your screams were at its loudest. You both chased your orgasm and released a large quantity amount of cum.

"Mmmnn...babe...just the thought of you plump with my child...gets me excited everytime," he groaned.

"M-me too Kirito~," you panted out.

When he pulled out of you, you gasped at the loss. You felt naughty for getting excited as the cum dribbled out your entrance. As he saw that, he groaned again.

"I really wanna wrak your hole into oblivion...can I do that?," he asked in a husky voice.

You nodded and bit your lip, waiting for round two. When he flipped you on your back, he smirked down at you.

"You want my long and thick sword my love?," he asked while nibbling your inner thighs.

A quiet moan escaped your lips, and you nodded eagerly. The night's still young, so you wanted to go until morning.

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