Chapter 4: Lonely...I'm So Lonely

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Your POV:

After Kirito left you behind, you bawled and cried. He was your saviour and true friend...even your secret crush. You never meant for him to misinterpret what happened when you seem your cousin. But things happened and now your alone. You cousin had to go on a guild mission and Kirimi left in what seemed to be a jealous rage. So, you decided to head back to the inn and stay there.

A week had passed and you still laid there in your room. You hadn't eaten in days and you were slowly wasting away on the bed. You didn't care about anything anymore, you just wanted to die. So you figured you get killed by the one boss who led Kirito to save you.

You made your journey to the level 40 dungeon and pushed though the big doors. When you walked in it was pitch black and then the door slammed behind you. The torches lit up one by one and the familiar circle battle ground was visible. There was a timer up ahead; the spawning of the boss. As it went down to one, the boss spawned and he snarled at you. You held your (weapon of choice) tightly and shook with fear.

As soon as you were about to attack, the dungeon doors open and a familiar black coat was seen. Kirito, stood there watching you with wide eyes and he did something you never thought he would do; cry. Years streamed down his face as he seen you. You were about to run into his arms when suddenly, the boss hit you with his club and sent you flying across the room. It took up three quarters of you life and you whimpered. You didn't want to die anymore. You wanted to live with Kirito happily and beat the game. But, your foolish actions hurt you. As soon as the boss was gonna strike the finishing blow, he paused and disintegrated into thin air.

Kirito quickly went to your side giving you healing potions to keep you alive. He held you close to his trembling body as you heard him cry. Hearing him cry made you started to realize how selfish you were being by wanting to kill youself. His grip on your waist tightened a little as he carried you bridal style out the dungeon. When he found a place to rest that was near by he took you by the waist and kissed you. You were caught by surprise at this action and squeaked. But the more his lips moved against yours you relaxed and melted into the kiss. When he pulled away you were flustered and panting hard, he only seemed to like what the kiss did to you so he decided to use his tongue this time. As his slippery muscle slipped in your warm cavern you gave out a moan and fluttered your eyes closed. He wrestled his tongue with yours and traveled both his hands towards your waist bringing you closer. Your sweet kiss ended when you pulled away to gasp for some much needed air, resting your head on his shoulder. He did the same and held you close to him.

"(Y/n)...never ever do that crap again...I wouldn't be able to live knowing I caused you to do that to yourself..."

"I-im sorry Kiri-chan...I-im sorry...I just felt lonely after you left and..being alone drove me crazy!"
You said starting to shake and cry. All thoughts of being by yourself rushed to your head and only seemed to make you depressed.

"Well what about the guy you were with?"

"That was my cousin Kirito...he was just asking me to help him on getting his crush, who is a male to like him..."

As soon as you said those words Kirito hugged you tighter. You knew he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry...I just got jealous seeing cutely at some other guy..."

"Don't worry...I only like you"
After you said that, the both of you stood up and decided to go and buy a home together on level 2. Kirito had a lot of money from the time he left you. He also went on a lot of secret dungeon raids and leveled up quite a lot too. But you didn't had him back and he was yours.

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