Chapter 11: Behold The Truth Part.1

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Yui's POV:

When I woke up, I seen the strange lady. She was talking to four strange men and seemed to know them well. When one of the men see me up, he told her and she shut the door quickly. I didn't know why but I assumed she wanted privacy.

Ignoring her weirdness, I went to go use the bathroom. After doing my business and washing my hands, I seen the weird lady standing behind me.

"Hello sweetie~", she cooed in a sickening sweet voice.

I turned and looked at her while cringing. She didn't seem to notice though and crouched down to my level.

"What would you like for breakfast this morning?", she asked.

I only looked at her cautiously and cleared my throat.

"N-nothing miss...I-I'm not hungry", I replied softly.

She nodded and then stood up.

"Okay well...please go wake up your papa...and tell him to wash up for breakfast", she said before turning and walking away.

I watched as her figure disappeared down the hallway and behind the kitchen door. When I heard the clicking sound of the door closing, I ran to where papa was sleeping. I shook him up and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Papa! Wake up!", I yelled.

When he heard me he bolted up and jumped a little. When he saw it was me, he sighed and smiled.

"Yui...why must you wake papa up like that", he asked.

"I dont know...I'm sorry for doing it like that", I said feeling guilty.

He chuckled a little and petted my head. When he finished, he stood up to get use the bathroom.

"Oh and papa! The weird lady said to get ready for breakfast!", I announced.

He waved his hand knowingly and closed the bathroom door. Now, all that was left to do was to wake up mama.

Mama was in a room that almost seemed to be unknown to people. So when I knocked on the door, it slid open.

"Oh...hello...Yui-chan was it? What brings you here?", mama asked smiling at me.

I smiled back at him and hugged him. He was taken back a little, but hugged back.

"Umm...the weird lady said breakfast is ready", I said with a smile.

He only seemed to giggle at my calling the weird lady...well weird.

"That's not a nice thing to say about her Yui-chan...her name is Asuna..", mama corrected me. least I know the weird lady's name: Asuna. I didn't like her. She had an aura around her that screamed "EVIL BEWARE". But if mama seemed to like her, then I guess I will.


When mama and papa were downstairs and in the dinning toom, we all started to eat. I didn't want to...but mama made me.

Mama and papa were still awkward with each other. I knew that papa wanted to talk with him but...didn't know what to bring up. And mama also...but he wasn't sure what to talk about.

"So...Kirito...about our engagement", the weird lady said breaking the silence.

My eyes widened and I looked at papa. He only sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I told you Asuna...not to bring it up", he hissed at her.

She only rolled her eyes at him and signed.

"Well why not? Yui likes me and I'm pretty sure (y/n) likes me right?", she asked looking at the both of us.

Mama nodded because he didn't know...or rather didn't remember any better. I just ignored her and continued to eat. Right now I hated my papa. So, I stood up and ran to mama's room.

I could hear papa calling me, but I ignored him. Mama was right...he didn't love us at all. When he came in the room, he sat next to me.

"Yui...what's wrong?", he asked.

He was going to pet me but I swatted his hands away.

"Don't touch me! I hate you!", I screamed.

He backed away wide eyed and shocked. He then looked down sadly and sighed. I only cried more and hid my face in mama's pillow.

"How could you! You lied to lied to me!", I screamed from the pillows.

I sat up and looked at him. He didn't move an inch or even try to defend himself. It looked like he gave up hope.

"What's going on here?", I heard from the doorway.

I looked and seen mama walking in. Papa looked up and seen mama by the entrance. His eyes sparkled a little and then went dim. Mama seen me crying and pulled me into a hug.

"Dont cry Yui- chan...big girls don't cry", he said holding me.

I snuggled closer to him and sniffled. I missed my happy family and I missed my mama. He just seemed so close...yet so far...


When I woke up...mama and papa was asleep. They were holding hands and it made me smile. I snuck down to go and get myself a glass of water and found it weird that the lights were on.

I snuck closer and saw Asuna-san with the four weird men again. She was letting out weird noises as one man was behind her. I was gonna save her until I heard her saying it felt good...or more...I cringed.

When she screamed loudly I looked and seen that they stopped. She then smirked and looked at all four men.

"Now do your job and get rid of the little cunt and that bastard", she sternly said.

I only watched in horror as the men nodded and clothed themselves. When they were done, they proceeded to go upstairs. I was hidden well so I heard what Asuna-san said.

"Kill the brat and (y/n)...leave Kirito to me...I'll make him get me pregnant and then...I'll give you what you want", she smirked.

I was mad. She was using my papa to help those bad men. I was about to do something when I felt someone grab me and hit me on the head, the last thing I saw was Asuna-san standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. me.

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