Chapter 8:The Fishing Reward (part #2)

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Your POV:

The next day was a beautiful. You awoke to the peaceful chirping songs the birds sang as they flew over head and the sun rays hitting your tent made you warm up inside. When you opened the tent entrance, a sudden chill ran up your body as you felt the morning mountain breeze.

"Kirito...wake up Love", you smiled and shook him gently. You then started to pepper kiss all over his face until a small smile was seen. You pulled away and giggled then kissed him.

"Morning sleepy head", you say nuzzling him.

"Morning beautiful", he said giving your neck a slight kiss. You hummed in pleasure and then glanced to the side. You seen Yui curled up and hugging your fiances arm. It made you smile that she was now your daughter.

As you shivered, you decided to make the camp fire again to not only help and warm you up, but to also get you started in cooking breakfast. While passing by Danny and Mais tent you heard faint noises. You leaned in closer and turned a beet red. You heard moans and squirmed a little.

You felt like a pervert listening in on them. It was when you heard them talking dirty you blushed even more.

"You like my cøck in you...don't you Mai~", you heard Danny said.

"Yes babe~! I love it~! I'm leaking pre-cum~!", you hear Mai reply. Heheh...leaking girls leak pre-cum? You then went wide eyed and blushed even more. You just found out that not a girl...but a felt ashamed, because all this time you called Mai a girl.

You decided to walk away and finish making the campfire. It didn't help that you imagined them doing the deed. You could only bite your lip and feel a tinge excited. When a small tap was felt on your shoulder you turned and smiled seeing Yui.

"How's mama's little baby girl", you cooed giving her kissed all over her face. You giggled along with her and then held her.

"Does Yui want some hot cocoa?", you asked smiling. When you seen her nod her head up and down quickly you giggled more.

"Okay...I'm gonna go start the fire...can you be a good girl and get mama some water from the stream?", you asked. She only nodded and then took a big bowl to get water.

You hummed happily and finally got the flames to ignite. It was easy since you were stuck in this virtual world. After the camp fire was set, you went your tent to grab the kettle to make hot cocoa and just in time Yui came back with the whole bowl full. You poured some in the kettle and then placed it on the kettle holder to let the water boil.

As the water was boiling. You decided to make breakfast. So you set out into the forest with Kirito and Yui. Kirito battled some boars and got their meat, while Yui collected eggs from the chickens. You smiled and went back with the mass amount of ingredients.

You chopped the meat into bacon slices and grabbed a cast iron skillet and placed it over the open flame. You cracked all ten eggs and placed all 20 slices of bacon to cook. You hummed and heard a zipping sound. You slightly glanced up and seen Mai and Danny coming out of the tent. You blushed and hurriedly went back to cooking.

About 20 minutes later the food was ready and you served everyone. You sat on Kiritos laps while Yui sat in between your legs with her back facing the both of you. The fresh food was delicious and the hot cocoa hit the spot.

"So Kirito...wanna go fishing again? This time we might bait up the monster fish eh?", Danny asked eating a piece of bacon.

"Sure...maybe this time we can have a feast", he smiled a little and stood up to wash his plate in the stream. You gave him yours and Yuis plate and fork and kissed him on the cheek thanking him.

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