Chapter 20: Honeymoon Spice Up

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Kirito's POV:

The next morning I woke up early to go get more food for the house. This place was ours now, so we decided to stay here for a month.

I hated to leave my baby as he slept. I just wanted to cuddle and be lazy with him all day, but alas my stomach grumbled and I sighed. The thought of food made me write a note to my darling angel, explaining where I was and when I'll be back.

The market place was so serene and made me a little happy. I seen couples of all sorts; old, young, same sex, hetero. It made me happy to see them all as in love with their significant other as I am.

I decided to grab eggs, bacon, flour, milk, bread, various veggies and some luxurious butter. After purchasing these items, I headed back to my wife and our new home.


Your POV:

When you woke up, you immediately went to find your husband. When, instead, you found the letter, you read it and smiled. You also checked the fridge and seen that there was literally nothing except for fruits, juice and half a gallon of milk.

You sighed and waited for him, then thought of an idea. You quickly went to your room and fished through the closet, when you found what you needed, you smirked.


Kirito's POV:

I was humming a tune as I took the trail back to the house. The scenery was utterly breathtaking and it never ceased to amaze me.

When I walked into the door of our house, I nearly dropped the groceries I had. There, on the floor, kneeling and in a maid costume, was my angel.

"Hello master," I heard him say.

It took me all my strength not to jump and take him right there. So, I decided to play along with it.

"Well hello there maid~," I whispered seductively in his ear.

I could feel and see his body shudder from my words and I could tell he was flustered. When he sat up and took the groceries from me, I followed him.

"Tonight for dinner is tonkatsu with sashimi and nigiri sushi...oh and for dessert you have two choices...macha rolled cake," he said the last part sensually.

I groaned at the thought of eating dessert off of his body while pounding away into him. I just couldn't shake the wildly lewd thoughts. I decided to play cool and go with the first option; which made him huff cutely and nod. Who would have thought he liked to roleplay.

- - -

Your POV:


You were now a maid for your husband. You thought it would be nice to spice up the honeymoon, and hopefully the marriage. Although you liked vanilla...some spice wouldn't be bad.

You quickly got to work on the sashimi; skillfully slicing against the grain of the raw fish. When the sashimi was done you went to making the sushi rice. Vinegar, sugar, and a tiny bit of soy sauce were whisked together and mixed with rice.

After the sushi rice was cooled, evenly distributed, and made into small oval shapes, a slice of sashimi was pressed into each sushi rice. Soon enough the sushi was finished and all that there needed to be done was the tonkatsu and dessert.


The tonkatsu was no manual labor, but , the macha rolled cake was the killer. Having to be gentle with it; is what had a little frustration rise in you. The rolling of the cake was still an expert thing to do; even if you were maxed out on your cooking and baking levels. When it was finished, a quick chill in the fridge set your mind at ease.


Now that dinner, and dessert, was done, you set up the plates, forks, knives, spoons and cups. It was a lovely candlelit dinner for two, and the romance was what filled the ambiance that surrounded you. Kirito was a perfect gentleman: holding your chair out and seating you, the dinner was somewhat rustic; yet elegant. Everything went perfectly.

When dessert came you smiled. Two slices decorated two separate plates and then they were served; Kirito kept a playful eye on you and smirked. The cake itself tasted euphoric; like eating a cloud. The fluffy and airy texture cut out the denseness you were trying to avoid.

After the meal was done, you took the dishes to the kitchen and began to clean. What a night this turned out to be.


Kirito's POV:

As I watch the small back of my petite lover, a smirk quirked it's way to the corner of my lips. I snuck behind and spooned it; it caused him to jump. I chuckled and began to place love bites and kisses on his neck; while he let out soft mewls of bliss.

"Why don't you leave those to me my maid...and let's go do some...strenuous activities in bed~," I suggested while nipping his earlobe.

His little moan was all the confirmation I needed to ravish him upstairs.

When we got up to the large loft, I dropped him in the King sized bed, stripped, and went in between his legs. I lifted them up, placed them on my shoulders, and chuckled at what I found: he was wearing a thong.

"My my my...what a sight do I see..and..could all of this be for me~," I said while nipping the inside of his thigh.

I couldn't hold back anymore; it was driving me insane. I let his legs rest on my shoulders and removed my shaft from its restraints. I then slid his thong aside to let me see his puckering hole. I wasted no time in entering; his sheath warm and tight...perfect for my blade.

I smirked and ripped open the maid dress and nipped at his pink buds; the hard nubs quivering from my touches and licks. His moans echoed loudly in the room; causing me to want to hear him more.

With each passing second or minute, my thrusts stayed consistent; I went slowly to tease him and torture him like how he did to me. It was a sweet kind of torture though, not one to be painfull. When I seen him contort his face and scream, I knew he orgasmed. His voice rang through my ears as I sped up my thrusting pace.

In a matter of minutes after he orgasmed, I released my load in him. I spasmed for a bit and watched as he opened his mouth in a silent scream. When our orgasmed reached its zenith, I laid on the side of him and pulled him on me. We laid there and fell asleep; forgetting avkuy the mess downstairs.

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