Chapter 28: The Duel

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Kirito's POV:

It was the day before the scheduled fight and I couldn't have been more nervous. The skinship me and (y/n) shared did little to take my mind off of the battle. Even though it was still bright and early in the morning, I heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong Kirito?," (y/n) asked.

I only snuggled his cute little belly and kissed it. His giggle made me smile, and trust me when I say, I haven't smiled since the announcement. He played with my hair and toussled it up some.

"I'm just nervous is all," I replied.

He nodded and then gasped; both of us received urgent guild messages. It was sent out by our guild leader: Heathcliff. He stated, that (y/n) was to be kicked from the guild because he was pregnant. Now that made me angry.

"W-what do we do Kirito...T-the want to kick me out," he said and teared up.

I only pulled him close to my body and hugged him. While he sobbed, I thought of ways to strike a bargain with our leader.


Traveling to our guild headquarters, people stared at my beloved. He wore baggy clothes to hide his belly because he felt self-conscious. Reaching the leaders office, we entered. Heathcliff looked at the both of us and sighed.

"I guess, Kirito-kun, you're here to ask why I want to kick (y/n) out the guild?," he asked while looking at his paper work.

I growled, but calmed down as (y/n) grasped my hand tightly.

"Yes...I'm here to ask exactly that," I stated bitterly.

"Well, Beater-kun, taking in his "delicate conditio," he's unfit to go on raids and dungeon battles. This is for his safety," he stated.

I only frowned.

"Yes, but why not give him a suspension? Why are you completely removing him from the guild!?," I practically yelled.

That was when leader-sama stood up and walked towards us. I held my ground, but (y/n) hid behind me.

"Hmm...I suppose I jumped the gun. Tell me (y/n), do you wish to stay in our guild? Or do you wish put your unborn child in danger?," he asked.

My wife only peeked his head from behind my shoulder and nodded. After getting an answer, Heathcliff grunted.

"Hmphf...well then, let me propose something. If Kirito can beat me in one-on-one combat, then you get to stay, however, if he loses, you are suspended for 12 hours, since you still want to be apart of this prestige guild. Either way it's a win win situation," he said while walking to his desk.

(Y/n) only smiled happily and then looked at me.

"Will you fight on my half beloved?," he asked while nuzzling me.

I only nodded and held him close.


As Heathcliff and I circle around, waiting for the perfect strike, I observed him. He carried a red shield, with our guild emblem on it, and a long silver sword. I hold both my crystal sword and black sword in hand and initiate the attack. As I struck him, he dodged it easily. It baffled me because he was super quick.

"Hmm...powerful strike Kirito," he chuckled.

"Swift block leader-sama," I said and circle again.

This time, Heathcliff made the move. He used his speed to strike at me, which I dodged, but just barely. He smirked and continued to bombard me with swing after swing, to which I barely dodged again. His quick movements had me out of breath and it was hard to strike a good blow to damage his life points.

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