Chapter 23: Curiosity

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Your POV:

The next day, you and Kirito went to a clinic. You told the doctor of your problem and that certainly made eyed wide. You were then instructed to lay on your back, so they could do scans and little tests to conclude your illness.

"Kirito...please wait in the waiting room like the others...we will be done shortly," a player doctor asked.

He hesitated a bit, but surely made his way out. He gave you a peck on the forehead and proceeded out of your room.

"Okay (y/n)-kun...please show me you HP bar...I need to scan it to make sure there are no bugs or faults with the system," the doctor asked and smiled.

You nodded and opened up your settings, quickly setting the player name and health bar to show up. The doctor used a small scanning device to check the coding and huffed a bit.

"Well it seems that there indeed is a weird problem with your player profile. It seems that someone or something has tampered with it," he said while thinking.

He pulled up a holographic key board and then let the holographic screen for the coding programs pop up; it's the coding for your profile. He typed a bit more, to find out what was wrong, but hit a dead end.

"Well...I don't know what it is that has been inserted into you, but it seems I know who did it," he minimizes both holographs and sent them away.

(A/N: I know what was inserted inside of him, Kirito knows, and he sure does know too ;D)

You watched curiously as he paced around, which led to him marking somethings on his clipboard. He then called in a few more doctors and then smiled at you.

"We'll be right back, we just have to call in someone on the tech team to trace the system that tampered with your profile," he said and walked out.

You looked at them worriedly and whimpered. 'What's going on!,' you thought and felt queasy. Then, a wave of nausea hit you and you threw up piles of green muck into the trach can. It made you cringe and immediately to to the sink to rinse your mouth.

"What's going on?," Kirito player messaged you.

"Not sure. They said they have to check the coding to my player profile because it was tampered with," you replied.

After you sent the message, you seen your health bar decrease by two points. It worried you and you got scared.

"'s lowering again," you messaged him.

In about a minute, or so, he replied.

"What! Are you okay? I'm worried love...I don't want to lose you," he replied and you smiled a little.

"Just know that I love matter what happens okay?," you messaged him.

He replied with a d smiley face and a heart emoji.


Half an hour later, the doctors came back in. They couldn't find the culprit because somehow the cardinal system erased it, so they sent you home with an inventory full of healing potions. When you walked out the room, you hugged Kirito. You both walked back home and you explained to him.what they concluded.

" sounds like I know who it is that did something to me," you said while making dinner.

Kirito was helping you and then quirked a brow.

"Oh? Who is it then?," He asked curiously.

"I think it was Yui. Remember when she saved us and revealed to us her true identity? She was apart of the system...and they said it was something that was apart of the system that did this, but they couldn't find it because it was erased," you explained.

Kirito then pieced everything together and gasped.

"I-it's possible...but we wouldn't know what she did...she didn't tell us," He gave a solemn look.

It made you kiss his cheek and sigh.

"Well whatever it is, I'll be fine. She wouldn't intentionally hurt us now would she," you nuzzled him.

He nodded and then you both continued to cook dinner: It was a creamy and cheesy bacon and potato chive stew.

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