Chapter 18: Honeymoon

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-Two hours after the wedding-

(Also I'm making up the name of the floor that you and Kirito travel too. Since I don't know it and I want to give this book a few of my twists. )

Your POV:

You and Kirito had finally gotten married. You were both currently making your way down to the get chariot, to get some privacy. Once inside, you both clasped hands and waves good-bye to dear friends.

The ride to your destination was indeed long, but you didn't care. You had Kirito, the man of your dreams and the owner of your heart by your side, so you didn't care.

When the chariot came to a stop, Kirito thanked Klein for taking the both of you guys to the teleportation area and then he went on his merrie way. You looked at Kirito and smiled, a smile that he returned lovingly.

The both of you then entered and called out the name of the fifth floor which is: Veluda Falls.

When you guys reached there, the starry night sky greeted you both with twinkling stars and a big and bright pale moon. You and Kirito walked hand in hand to the only house on the level, since it's practically private property, and followed the rose covered path to the beautiful doorway.

Kirito was the perfect gentleman, guiding you away from the water so you won't get wet, steadiying you when you almost fell, and then finally helping you up the stairs. However, before you could peek at the insde of the house, he twirled you around and then started to dance with you.

It was then you noticed you were both in a circle of white candles that surrounded you. You gasped as the house was on a hill that looked over rivers and the round moon with its bright moon rays were your spotlight. Music runes circled around you both and played orchestra music that went perfectly with the scenery and the atmosphere.

You were still a little shocked that he could dance. But none the less you still loved him. He led you in the slight waltz and gazed at you with love and honesty, and you felt tears well up in the corners of your eyes. He stopped and then looked at you a little worriedly.

"What's the matter my love?," he asked and gently pulled you close, using your hips.

You only smiled and giggled a little. You were so overjoyed at the moment that you cried even more until you were hiccuping. You then felt his fingers under chin, slowly lifting them up so your gazes were in eachtoher.

"Is it too cheesy?," he asked a little let down.

You only stammered and shook your head while trying to clean your face, explain and cry more.

"N-no...*sniff*'s show beautifuuu," you sniffled. He only chuckled and used his hankerchief to clean you up with love.

"There now beautiful...don't be sad...this night is for us...and I'm gonna need you to only focus on me dearest", he said kneeling and kissing your hands sweetly.

You only smiled and giggled at the same time and nodded. When he got the conformation, he stood up and dipped in kissing you. The kiss was so full of passion and love that you melted right there in his hands.

When you both were out of breath and you out danced ourselves, he slipped a blindfold onto you and then led picked you up bridal style. He then opened the door and walked with you into it, kissing your cheek as he stepped forward and up to where your love making will commence.



Kirito's POV:

After our dancing...I took my beautiful husband up to our nest of love. I carried him bridal style the entire way there. I loved how his light blush made his features stand out even more; as the pale moonlight illuminated.

"I love you," he whispered softly. It was also while he caressed my face tenderly and while we shared a passion filled kiss. The walk to the bedroom was brief, because I was walking pretty quickly, and we arrived there in five minutes tops.

"Kirito...please...make love to me," my princess said.

I only laid him in the bed and smirked.

"Why of course my love," I reply while kissing his lovely fingers.

His giggle made my heart beat in my chest and I knew he made my lower half feel the same way.

As I hovered over him, the wedding dress restricted me from seeing his naked porcelain skin ; so, I took it off for him. He gave a cute squeal as I swiftly removed the silk fabric and smiled up at me though his beautiful eyes.

"(Y/n) have made me the most happiest man in the world",  I exclaimed while peppering kisses all over his body.

He squirmed and moaned under me while panting a bit.  I haven't been this needy before but...I just couldn't help it.

I went down to the silky white thong he wore and used my teeth to sensually pull them off. I eyed him with a love filled gaze and took them completely off.

After what seemed like forever, I  attacked his nipples. Their supple and soft feeling had my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Sucking on them took me to a place beyond paradise, and the delicious mewls he let out drove me wild.

I made sure they were hard as I rolled my tongue and made my way down to his navel. There is tongued his belly button and left love bites surrounding the center of his body. When I deemed that area worthy of my love bites, I continued down.

Reaching the place that separated me from heaven and a sinful he'll made me groan. His tiny member upright and erect: leaking love juices because of my teasing, his jagged breathe intakes and exhales, and finally his expression: dazed and ready for the taking.

Admiring his body wasn't satisfying enough, I had to taste him. So I dipped my head down and engulfed his member in my warm cavern. His taste was sweet and addicting, it made me even harder than I was and it was getting a bit painful.

I decided to just continue with my felatio play and sucked harder. He bucked his hips, fisted the sheets harder, and moaned out my name.

"Kirito! Oh~! Kirito~~!!", he yelled while he drooled.

A symphony went in in my head; his moaning and begging enticing me to do more, to make him say more...and to need me more. I continued until an eruption of sweetness filled my mouth. I swallowed and looked at him with hungry eyes; like a wolf eyeing its prey.

"Please...I want more teasing...I'll die if I can't have you in me now," his shaky voice echoes out.

I only nod and strip myself of my articles of clothing. Once in the nude, I lubed myself up with some aphrodisiac plant sap and thrusted my glory into his hole. His crying made me want to do more pleasurable torture to his body, I mean, it was that enticing.

Thrust, upon thrust, upon thrust I served him only made me wanna pull his hair, bite his neck and claim what was mine. To mark his body up, mask his scent with mine and simply drive him wild. I growled into his ear and lapped at his neck as he tightened around me. The intensity adding to the pleasure.

"How do you like dirty boy...huh? Are you my slut?," I whispered in his ear.

"Want me to fuvk you more? Want it deeper? Harder? Faster!?," I sped my pace up.

He only screamed out yes and called me daddy. Daddy...I like the sound of that. As my thrust got sloppier and I could not longer focus on the dirty talk, I grunted and came into him. My intense orgasm rippled through my body as I filled his butt with love.

When all was calm and all was serene, I pulled out and hummed. I kissed his red shoulders and flopped.down next to him. He had passed out after cumming and I only smirked and pulled his body to mine.

"I love wife, my life, my (y/n)," and with that, I kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep with him in my arms.

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