Chapter 16: The Proposal

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Kirito's POV:

It's been a year since me and (y/n) lost Yumi. Sometimes he still has those times when he forgets she isn't there. And there are times when I catch myself asking if she wants some of my food.

It's been hard to adjust, but we still continued to fight on. We still stay happy and save as much people as we can in this barbaric game. We dont want anyone to lose hope, so we strive to be exemplary role models.

Any ways, today there's a special festival being held on the first floor. I decided to plan a little surprise for my love. He deserved to be happy and loved.

When dinner time came, my (y/n) had his cute smile back on his face. It made me smile too. Today he made pot roast and it was delicious. I helped him clean up and then we headed off to the first floor.

The festival was exotic. There were many games and food vendors there, also a lot of couples. I clasped (y/n)'s and my hand together and proceeded to go to the lake. As the round moon shine bright, a candle lit gazebo stood waiting for us.

When we walked in, I started to play some music so that we could dance. I pulled him close to me by his waist and stared into his beautiful eyes. A blush spread across his face that made me dip into a kiss.

When the song was done and the moon was almost kissing the lakes waters, I kneeled and held (y/n)'s hands in mine.

"(Y/n), my life, my friend, lover and close ally...the days I've spent with you have made my butter life all the more many die and as many are born, my love for you only grows stronger by every second. Would please do me the greatest pleasure and be mine forever?", I said showing him a gold wedding band with amethyst jewels decorating it.

I smiled as he nodded and started to cry. I slipped on the ring and then scooped him up in my arms. He clung to me as we shared a kiss and then went back home.


Your POV:

As you and Kirito made your way back to your house, you felt the overwhelming feeling to let him make love to you. You kissed him with passion as soon as you made it into the entrance. In the makeniut session, you pressed against him and attacked him with kisses.

You could tell that he was surprised, but he slowly and surely kissed you back. He was a little forceful, but it only turned you on more. He bolstered you up and you.took advantage of the situation and wrapped your legs around his waist, not wanting to part. But alas you did, to breathe.

He laid you on the couch and gazed at you with hungry eyes. You have him a whine that stayed that you wanted him. You felt on edge and it made you whimper. He only growled and you moaned at that. Soon he was kissing and sucking on your neck harshly; which you loved.

Somewhere during all the heat, both of your clothes were off and on the wooden floor. You arched your back as he took your heat into his mouth, pleasuring you orally. You squirmed and prematurely ejaculated because of the stimulation.

You could tell he wanted so much to be in you, because after you orgasmed, he wasted no time in entering you raw. You screamed out in pleasure and pain, loving the mixture of both. His snapping hips made you see stars as he abused your prostate.

You guys went at it until the sun came up. You passed out from being tired and he cuddled close to you satisfied and in love even more than ever.

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