Chapter 13: Behold The Truth Part 3 (FINAL PART)

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Asuna's POV:

(A/N: Surprisingly...and I'll hate myself for using her point of view...its cringe worthy peeps...if you're a hardcore fujoshi and yaoi lover like me)

I knew that having the brat would bait (Y/n) and Kirito-kun. How smart am I? Hehehe. I had Kuradeel take Yui and tie her up while she was still unconscious. I just love that man. He's so mysterious and deadly. I was waiting for XaXa, Jonny Black and Lux to return, but I guess something happened to them. (A/N: Kuradeel, XaXa, Jonny Black and Lux are the names of.the members of the Laughing Coffin: Red players. Meaning they kill other players)

When Kuradeel finished, I kissed him and then nuzzled him.

"What do you think leader-sama will say love?", I asked grinning.

He only looked down at me and lifted my chin up.

"I think he'll be thrilled to know that we killed Kirito...and that we have a new member...", he replied lifting me up.

I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist and giggled evily. I hated Kirito ever since he left me. We used to be a couple, until he fell in love with (Y/n). And then I just wanted to get revenge on him ever since. He's been nothing but an obstacle I had to deal with and I had to play miss goody goody to get close to him.

I do admit though...the wanting to get pregnant from him was to piss Kuradeel off and so that my new lover could kill him with no regrets. I personally would have none of that if it were to happen.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when my Kuradeel was nipping my neck. I giggled and looked at him.

"Wanna play~?"

(A/N: *gags* not gonna do traight imma just skip until after it)


After our love making session, the brat decided to wake up. Kuradeel was clothed, but I wasn't. I walked towards her and smirked, resting my hands on my hips.

"Enjoy the show kid?", I asked grinning at her.

She only looked at me with pure disgust. That made my eye twitch. She was getting on my last nerve. I smacked the brat across her face and then I walked back to get dressed. What a witch she is.


I was getting impatient. Those three lug heads were taking forever. I watched the teleporter after hearing it chime and seen them walking over, bags covering their victims heads. I smirked and then laughed maniacally.

"Finally I have you in my clutches Kirito...I have you brat of a child and I have your b¡tch as well", I snarled and chuckled.

Kuradeel held me by my hips as the prisoners were taken to where the kid was. When I watched, the others seemed...kind of odd...I walked to them and tapped Jonny Black on his shoulder.

" alright?", I asked.

He only turned and glared at me. I walked away and glared back at him. I huffed and nuzzled Kuradeel again having a gut feeling that something was odd.


Kirito's POV:

The potions that me and (Y/n) used to look like the people we captured worked out a lot. I almost lost composure when Asuna questioned me, but I handled it pretty well; I glared at her.

(Y/n) was a little scared. I had to hold his hand the entire time to reassure him but when we reached Asuna and her man toy, we separated.

"Hey...XaXa...where's Lux?", Asuna's man toy asked.

Knowing that XaXa was a mute,  I quickly whispered the information to (Y/n) and he nodded. He made a motion with his hand saying that Lux was captured by cops. The ugly man toy nodded and then went back to sucking faces with Asuna; I cringed and wanted to gag.

When all was in place for our plan, (Y/n) started to head out back. When I seen him disappear I seen Asuna looking at me.

"....He went to piss....", I said in a scruffy voice.

Asuna sighed and rolled her eyes. She then turned back around and continued to talk about herself to her man toy, as usual.

I inched towards Yui and seen her eyes go wide. I showed her my gamer tag and she gasped. I motioned for her to keep quiet and she nodded. After I freed her, I whispered for her to continue and act as if she was still tied up, I then walked towards where Asuna was.

" long more do we have to wait until PoH comes...", she whined annoyingly.

Kuradeel only sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"In do time do time...", he said and a chime from the teleporter pulled all of us from our thoughts.

Kuradeel went out in the open to meet with the notorious leader of the notorious killing group the Laughing Coffin: PoH. He slowly walked in and looked around, his facial features not visible. He then scoffed and walked out.

"It's a trap idiots...", he whispered and disappeared.

Asuna and Kuradeel were baffled at his sudden disappearance and scrambled to find him. That was when I ran and grabbed Yui. By the time We made it pass five trees, the option wore off. When we were both running away from them...a gasped and a thud made me go wide eyed. I seen Yui on the floor with Asuna's rapier in her back glowing pink, blood every where.

"You stupid think you can get away from us!", she screamed and took her weapon out from Yui's back.

What on Earth had happened. I then seen Kuradeel holding my (Y/n) against his chest with a blade pressed up against his throat. When he laughed maniacally, Asuna joined in and it fueled my anger. They will surely pay with their lives for what they did to my. daughter

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