Chapter 22: Morning Sickness?

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-one week after honeymoon

Your POV:

As the clock showed that it was 4:20 a.m. (A/N: if you don't know what this means...well go to Hawaii and ask my fellow people.) , I immediately rushed to the toilet. I locked the bathroom door, knelt at the open toilet, and emptied my stomach. It has been at least a week that I had been throwing up. For some odd reason it happened after our honeymoon.

"...(y/n) you alright in their love?," Kirito groggily asked.

You were about to reply, but another wave of nausea and throwing up hit you. You groaned and stayed there for at least a half an hour before flushing the remnant. After you brushed your teeth, you opened the door and hugged your husband, his scent calming you.

"Another for of throwing up?," he asked while yawning.

You only sniffled and nodded.

"Yeah...and always in the same hour...I think this game is a little too realistic for my being," you giggled a bit.

He chuckled and then kissed your forehead.

"Well...I have to go again my love...another guild mission that the leader set up," he sighed.

You only nodded and whimpered. It was the start of another day, and Kirito had to go to the guild dirty work. You sighed and felt frustrated, but allowed it nonetheless.


Dinner time quickly showed up and Kirito wasn't present. You sighed and seen as the food, that wasn't eated, disappeared into particles, 'Another lonely dinner,' you thought to yourself. You then private messages him and got no reply. You then sighed and went to bed.


In the wee hours of 4 in the morning, you heard keys jingling and the door opening. You sat up and walked downstairs seeing Kirito in his usual black attire.

"Hey my love," he smiled from the entrance.

You only looked at him and sighed. His smile turned into a frown as he seen you walk back to the room. When you reached the bed, he walked in and put his clothes in the closet.

"Why did you take so long?," you questioned.

A little anger laced your voice, while you turned and looked at him from the bed.

"We took forever beating a boss...we lost two men today and I almost died too," he explained.

You went wide eyed and then gasped.

"Why! Why do you constantly put yourself on danger like that! Why?!," you questioned while getting teary eyes.

He looked at you with a sullen look and sighed.

"Because...I need to get better. I need to beat Asami," he replied.

That made you sniffle a bit.

"Is getting better and dying, more better than staying with me? Your husband?" you questioned.

He gave you a defeated look and then sighed. He was about to answer you, but you took off to the bathroom. He heard as you emptied your stomach again and took that time to ponder on things.


In about an hour, you came out the bathroom. You looked a little pale and felt like your HP par was going down (A/N: For those of you who don't know what HP means, it means Health Points. In games, it's the green bar above your characters name that shows how much life you have). When you checked it, it showed something weird. You gasped and then looked at Kirito after you closed the menu.

"What is it (y/n)?," he asked worriedly.

You only sighed and looked at him.

"I lost two HP points while throwing up...and I'm not sure why," you replied.

He then went wide eyed.

"That's not good. We need to go and check to see if there is a bug if some sorts. I'll tell the guild I'm taking a day off," he replied while sending a guild message to all members.

This morning couldn't get any worse.

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