Chapter 2

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"Rica! I asked who is this nigga!?" The guy demanded an answer once more closing into them.

"You want a beat down boy? Get you hands off my girl!" He spat on the ground after holding Rica's hand and swatting away Marcelo's. Marcelo remained physically calm about it, although that small slap stung his skin and awakened a rage that was calm just a moment ago, he stepped back biting on the gum instead of his tongue to calm himself.

"Steven you know you and I aren't together anymore. You know I broke up with you long ago." Rica defended herself rubbing it in his face as he squeezed her wrist. Her statement only aggravated him more and you could see it in his blood crazed eyes.

Marcelo studied his features in that slight moment; he had scars on his face that looked like they came from fighting, one could easily suggest he was a fighter. The crusted dark lips and yellow eyes confirmed he was a drug user- this guy was a delinquent probably involved in gang stuff and that only left the question as to why Rica would date such a fool that's wasting his life.

"Now let go of me!" She shouted trying to yank her hand away. Steven squeezed tighter and pulled her closer.

"Why don't you let her go." Marcelo verbally stepped in, he couldn't believe he was actually going forward with this- it sparked an excitement in him.

"Wuz dat you say boy? As a matter of fact, seh it again, cuz I swear I just hear a lil bitch talk just now." Steven sarcastically remarked on Marcelo's accent. Marcelo nearly choked on the gum because of the horrendous broken English this guy was using.

"I said let her go." Marcelo replied subtly.

"Oh, so we got ourselves a cracker here dipped in chocolate huh?" Steven said, making mention of his accent to his complexion. Marcelo rolled his eyes behind his shades and shifted his weight; it was getting to him how fast people could pull the race card.

"Not to mention he got lil balls too! You sure you safe talking like that with that sorta authority bout here man?"

Marcelo bit his lip this time. It was hard enough already to be black yet still white in this place but really just Latin- his name told the story after all. He was of lighter complexion compared to most of the locals but dark enough to be short listed as black, his features gave away his African heritage; the slight curl in his hair and slight broad-ness of his nose. It was tiring hearing people use the race card all the time. Even though he fit in in this place, people question the next and vice versa when he was home in England.

"Steven let me go!" Rica caught him off guard and back handed him across the face. He let go and staggered, Marcelo nearly choked again on his gum this time from laughing and spat it out. Steven looked from his bent position and thought Marcelo was making a move and charged him.

Marcelo instinctively grabbed Steven's right hand with his left and jabbed him in the jaw with his right. As Steven's left hand came up he grabbed it with his left, twisting it around his back and forcing his face to the ground. Pushing his hand closer to the back of his neck. Rica could only squeal in that moment and was just as shocked as Steven was at this point, but gained herself to continue her verbal assault on Steven.

"I said we're over Steven and that's it." Then she leaned into his ear to whisper something, "And what if I got myself a cracker, I like me some white chocolate too."

Rica whispered but it was loud enough for Marcelo to hear and was clearly taken back by her words- maybe disgusted if anything. He was right that this girl wanted him dead for some reason, but who sent her? Someone from a rival business of his dad's? A gang? An ex? The three seemed to be logical but who would go through such trouble for a local to get him?

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