Chapter 8

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"What's all this you're wearing bro?" Stanley asked Marcelo the moment he stepped out of his room, he wore a themed button shirt and a long jeans.

"What? Is this too much?"

"I'm definite it is too much. Are you really going to wear that? With those shoes?" He pointed exaggeratively.

"Then exactly too much!" Stanley shook his head.

"You do know this is a beach party right? Emphasis on beach; meaning beachwear?" Stanley held his hands with his index and middle finger touching his thumbs and emphasizing every syllable with a jump of his hands. To Marcelo he explained it in the more sarcastic way as if he were a five year old learning to dress himself.

"So what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Marcelo held up his hands looking at the outfit.

"Everything is wrong with it Marc! Come on, you're single! It's not as if your girlfriend had to dress you." Stanley only realizing it was a little too soon after he spoke, his eyes met Marcelo's which held a slight look of hurt and then defeat.

"Okay, I'm sorry man. Don't you have a solid colour tee and another pair of beach shorts?" Marcelo studied his head and decided upon the right outfit that he might have.

"I think I do." Stanley nodded his head with an inner feeling that he probably just lessened the mood for his friend even though this night was to be the opposite of all that.

"And while you're at it, see if you can find a pair of designer slip-ons!" He shouted after him.

"Unbelievable." He spoke under his breath to himself. "I've disappeared for a couple hours to come back and find him absolutely lost! I'm definitely getting him drunk tonight. Or laid, or both." He smiled to himself satisfyingly.

The two girls that Stanley talked to earlier by name Nicole and Nichola had invited them or rather Stanley to a beach party a friend of theirs was having. Stanley did not have to beg but rather flirt his way into getting them agree to bring along Marcelo- purely because he found opportunity to get his friend to start a new chapter in his life. It wasn't even hard for that matter as the brunette Nicole had readily agreed.

"How's this look now?" Marcelo shifted Stanley's attention who broke into a smug look nodding his head in approval at Marcelo's final style. He wore a navy blue and black deep water themed shorts and a matching blue tank top that had, 'I'm not trying to impress you but I can swim without floaties' printed across it.

"Now you're doing it, you look like you're planning to have fun tonight." Stanley continued smirking and Marcelo pushed a weak smile with the thought crossing his mind that he may actually become his friend.

A knock at the door alerted the two men who looked the direction of the front door as if the person had intruded and stood there looking at them- the kind of scene that happened in horror movies when the killer waited for the victim to notice their blood-lust presence before the chase began.

Stanley figured it would be the girls, it was about six thirty when he looked at his phone. He brushed off his clothes as if to remove any remnants of dust that may have accumulated on him. Marcelo threw a skeptic look at him wondering why he was doing that; as long as he knew Stanley, he never tried to impress anyone where as the casual social scene was concerned and as far as he knew he wasn't going to see these girls after the night was out.

"Good evening ladies." Stanley held a flirty grin greeting Nicole and Nichola by the door. The ladies did a poor job of containing their laughter at Stanley's arrogance. Nicole stepped in first when Stanley invited them in. Marcelo only realized he was still standing in the corridor when he shifted his weight onto the mirror bumping it after getting his first glimpse at Nicole; even though he had seen her in less earlier, the black beach wrap defined her long toned legs. She wore a black bikini boy-leg and black mesh bikini halter. The wrap when he examined under the light she stepped into revealed a dyed fish mural on it. Marcelo picked himself from staring and headed to the kitchen when Nicole became aware of his presence.

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