Chapter 17

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"Listen, and I never would-a think that he had it in he to go so long." Shanae giggled to Rica.

"Nah you lying." Rica replied alike.

"Listen, you know these fellas 'bout hay think them is all that. But four real orgasms don't lie girl!" She technically shouted above a whisper. They carried on giggling to themselves with a shocked Stanley and embarrassed Marcelo in the front seat. Stanley glanced across at him- who just folded his lips and shook his head looking out the window.

"But you gas it up more than I thought. Just four?"

"Rica, listen. Mr. Contractor broke four major deals, I ain't count the minor benefits that came along. My head was too far gone for that!" She pointed a finger at Marcelo.

"You girls do know we can hear you right?" Marcelo exhausted in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Okay, your issue?" Rica held forward in the truck and turned up the volume on the radio tuner.

"Own it sweet boy, you did good." Shanae held forward and whispered in his ear leaving a nibble.

Marcelo looked across at Stanley who was already looking on with a smirk. He shook his head with his eyes wide and staring, then motioned with his head from him to focus on the road. The evening was dark already, the radio read five minutes past six. They were heading to Alyssa's work place at The Sweet Lime Bar and Grill for her boss' husband's birthday party.

It was just to be Marcelo but he knew how much Stanley loved a bar party, Rica and Shanae; well they were another story plus Marcelo owed it to spend time with his local best friend.

"So even though I begged you not to make me chauffeur, I still ended up dropping you two back at her place so you could get some action." Stanley looked across at him again not going above the music.

"I'm sorry but there was something she wanted me to attend to back at her place." Marcelo hid a smile with the back of his hand, Stanley rose a brow and encouraged a laugh between the two of them.

"Hey, I'm not complaining chap. I'm just glad you're finally having fun, took you long enough." Marcelo held a cringe realizing that he had just took the first step into becoming Stanley, or at least following the rules in his book about becoming a harlot.

"Oh pecker up, you're fine." Stanley playfully pushed his chin upward in his big brother manner, "You've got a beautiful lass there and if she's not to your appeal- I could always get you knackered for someone else." Marcelo was agreeing with him at first but returned to his cringed look of disapproval at the latter part of the sentence.

"You need to stay away from me." Marcelo forced himself to his side of the pickup close enough to the door to emphasize his weariness of Stanley's antics, he laughed again giving him a playful slap on the knee.

"I'm serious man, I'll be fagging you right now if you weren't driving!"


"Wow, I guess the party did start on time." Rica voiced on arrival on the business grounds. Both men checked their watches at the notice of her phrase having a minute difference each.

"Well it is soon six thirty, we're late regardless so let's go." He ushered them on into the bar. Music definitely filled the place; party and pop tracks from known American artistes started the night. Marcelo was surprised by the turnout; there were more Caucasians than locals and everyone mingled not really keeping in groups- he guessed these were friends and the like of the boss or the husband.

He found the bar as accustomed and sat with the others studying the scene;

"Now you see why Bajans does get places late?" Rica called out to him from her stool over the music.

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