Chapter 3

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The rest of the day rolled on pretty smoothly but Marcelo's head turned with the fact that he possibly flirted and led on this Alia girl. He swore to himself left and right that it wasn't what he meant it to be or what she took it to be. He was confusing himself losing this mental battle.

"A flirt is a flirt Marcelo, no take backs." He bit his lip, "I'm such a terrible guy." He frowned mentally beating himself.

Classes had finished just around four pm, Marcelo had time so he decided he would head to his girlfriend- Aaliyah's place to surprise her. The thought crossed him that she didn't live on her own like him so he called just to make sure where she was.

"Hey love, my last class just finished, where are you now?"

"Oh I'm still stuck at college, I have extra assignments to finish, so I'll be here late. I'm sorry I couldn't finish early to go home with you." Aaliyah apologized, something didn't feel right with Marcelo but he just dismissed it as his disappointment. It already sucked that they went to two different colleges already.

"Okay then honey, ring me when you get home. I'll be waiting." He spoke almost hopelessly, there wasn't a response on her end then the line went dead.

"She better have been really busy that she did that." He said quite upset to himself but sighed after knowing that getting flustered wouldn't do him or the situation any good.

Marcelo turned on his bike and listened as the sweet sounding engine roared to life. They were multiple heads turning in the area of the bike as Marcelo put on his helmet. He was used to the stares and looks but wish they didn't, he wasn't exactly one for attention.

"Yo yo, Marcelo." He looked up at the new yet familiar pronunciation of his name coming from Quill.

"Hiya." He replied taking off his helmet and turning off the bike giving Quill his undivided attention.

"Well nothing ain't exactly happen yet but I guess I could tell you thanks for whatever, y'know? Hospitality may not be what you expect here but at least not everyone is the same, you get me?" Was this Quill's attempt at trying to be nice? Or was he just like that?

Marcelo understood what he was getting at even though he didn't formulate his little speech carefully. Quill was thanking him for having set up Rica and him, plus he shouldn't feel alienated just because of the personalities he may not be accustomed to in the island.

They talked for a little while longer before Quill took his leave, Marcelo switched back on his beauty gaining looks once more, backed out the bike and rode out the gates with all surrounding eyes still on him.

Marcelo came to a stop at the roundabout planning the route he was going to take in his head to go to Aaliyah's house while traffic rounded the circle.

"Oh yea, extra classes. Bust luck for me then." He sulked then decided to just head home.

Speeding down the highway weaving through the evening traffic, Marcelo could never get used to the thrill of the ride whenever he hopped on his bike. He was the kind to pull stunts and tricks with his beloved bike but now wasn't the time, those times were left for weekend fun when he could just be himself. Today was only Monday- showboat-ing would have to wait. It was the time for work and thinking of which he had to take care of daddy's work and in that he was heading the wrong way.

Marcelo swore under his breath and at the next approaching round-a-bout, he looked back and switched to the inside lane, pulled up to the intersection and looked at the oncoming traffic. Marcelo slowly pulled into traffic and just as he thought himself was in the all clear, he sped off with the front of the bike slowly arching upwards. He controlled it and leaned for it to circle the round-a-bout and back on the other side of the road he just came from, speed and back up the highway. He was really thankful that the laws of the road were similar to home, driving on the left side and all. Driving on the right shouldn't be that much of a deal but then again not everyone was a careful driver.

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