Chapter 4

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*beep beep beep beep*

Marcelo slammed his hand on the alarm. Yes it was Friday- finally the weekend but it was also morning, besides who would've wanted to leave their bed anyway. Marcelo slowly opened his eyes to the rising sun, his eyes adjusting to the light silently filling his room. His ears picked the sound of the ocean waves crashing not too far from his window in the morning, thoughts settling in on where he was and his purpose here. Sometimes he forgot he wasn't at home in England and there were no beaches nearby where he lived. So waking up with the only noise being flocks of birds and the beaching waves instead of traffic and likewise was still a bit strange to him.

"Well I guess if I gotta go, I gotta go." He mumbled before making up his mind to get up.


Marcelo finished his daily routine of showering and half dressing so he could take breakfast and make lunch before cleaning up and leaving for the day. If he was early to beat the alarm sometimes he would risk going for an early morning swim. It really was a risk never mind he was in a tropical place compared to the temperate world he was accustomed to; in this sense cold water was cold water.

He double checked everything was in order so there wouldn't be any alarm for concern or his father yelling down his neck about destroying one of his investments- and he wasn't talking about being his son either. Marcelo turned the key in the ignition listening to his bike wake up. He looked around the place just for comfort and pressed a button on one of the keys he carried to unlock the automatic gates, walking the bike out onto the sidewalk he closed the gate and surveyed the neighbourhood no one paying him any attention in particular- good.

The purr of Marcelo's engine soothed him on his way to college, the truth settling in- it was weekend. Marcelo smiled feeling good about the day; granted he was in a foreign country where he could do more than he pleased if he wanted to but morals to uphold and a reputation to upkeep, he was just glad it was weekend- he was still a student after all, who didn't like weekends? He couldn't pay attention fully to the road, the scenery of the coast changing to a more rural state as he left the beach house his family owned- he could honestly never get enough of this place, now the advertisements made sense when they said come to paradise.

The ride to college was rather calm and relaxing besides the occasional road hog or idiot that looked to cross him or hold up traffic unnecessarily with ignorance of road laws and use. On the home stretch towards campus Marcelo's bike started to sound funny but he couldn't feel any physical change, just before he panicked and stopped the bike to check whatever was wrong another biker pulled up beside him. The helmet covered rider seemed to stare at him, lasting more than a second the helmet of the stranger faced him but the tint disallowed him from seeing past the visor.

The character revved the engine and their shoulders shrugged as if they had just chuckled, then they sped up the highway. Marcelo wasn't interested in a race but was curious as to who would just pick him out like that. Was it possibly someone he knew from seeing? Or better yet, was it someone that knew him?

The curiosity sparked in him because he was always one to keep a low profile, so Marcelo changed gears and kicked the pace catching up to the biker, it wasn't hard to soon catch up and pass the person. The biker saw this as competition and proceeded to chase Marcelo. The bobbing and weaving though traffic gave him quite a thrill.

Marcelo checked his rear view and noticed the other racer gaining on him, dangerously gaining. Marcelo thought this probably wasn't all fun and games anymore, he tried signaling and slowing down to tell the biker he was calling it quits but they weren't having any of it.

The race up the highway was less than a thrill now as a wave of hostility washed over him. The biker gained on him and was ready to overtake, Marcelo watched as they passed and signaled something with their hand. Marcelo got serious all of a sudden and concentrated his bike on getting to the college.

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