Chapter 15

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"Again, why the truck?" Stanley hopped in the driver's seat looking at Marcelo being nosy checking out something outside the vehicle.

"Um, it's for Shanae; she has this large canvas painting that she needs to carry home, but obviously it's too big for my bike." He played with his thumbnail.

"And you thought of me, why?" He switched the ignition.

"Obviously because I know your dad owns one of the hundred construction companies in the island."

"So that's all I am to you? A work mule?" They shared a laugh. They pulled out the apartment parking lot giving the building a full view.

"Hey where's the bike anyway." Marcelo queried noticing the absence of Stanley's bike.

"It's in my room." He replied modestly keeping his eyes on the road.

"What?" Marcelo doubted with humor in his chuckle.

"I thought you lived on the top floor in the sunset suite?"

"I do. Don't you recognize sarcasm?" He side glanced Marcelo leaving him biting his lip.

"She's in the bike lot behind the building."

"Oh, I've got ya. But getting to this; what's the business having you here for?" Marcelo pried taking a freshly unwrapped lollipop from it's wrapping.

"Some renovating has to be done on this apartment- that's my main task. But I'm to oversee the final plans and opening of the other apartment on the south coast near your place. Other than that, I'm just going to check up on the ongoing projects dad's company's running."

"Sounds busy. So either your daddy's little errand boy or maid servant." Marcelo gave a hearty laugh. Stanley only looked at him then flipped him off.

"I honestly don't mind it though; a couple weeks from the cold especially since it's October. Besides, it gives me chance to see what the company has for me in store here." Marcelo nodded in agreement after careful thought- it was nice to be apart of the family business and manage a part of it.

"I don't get it though. I thought you were joining the company too, why are you doing sciences at the college?" Stanley targeted him with a question.

"Me? No reason, I didn't have an official game plan. I did sciences in secondary, so reflexively I just continued here. I can always switch out to business management if I want but science is pretty good right now."

"You have the degree for that?" Stanley glanced him again.

"Have you met my dad? No way I'm going to be apart of the company and not be prepared; he made sure I locked down on the right subjects also. So you're looking at the holder of administration and business accounts certificates." Marcelo cheerily boasted. Stanley shook his head.

"We're going to the college right?" Stanley slowed down coming into an intersection, awaiting Marcelo's response before making the respective turn.

"Yea, why?"

"Just needed to know, cuz I'm not being a chauffeur, taxiing you around to meet girls." He ranted making the turn.

"Well either way, we still have to go to her place in the end." He curled his lips earning another flip off.


"I was just about to call you." Shanae flashed her phone when Marcelo was out the truck.

"Oh really? Did you miss me?" He licked his lip with a devilish smile approaching her.

"Boy! Enough. I can't tek you sometimes yknow." She blushed playfully punching his arm.

"Seriously though, I wan ask you something."

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