Chapter 6

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The crashing waves complimented the cold air of the night. The moon peeped from behind cloud cover ever so often to spot light on the sea and it's undulating surface. Barely audible chatter and laughter brought the night to life along with the busy lights, horns and engines of traffic that only brought back reality to fantasy.

Marcelo sunk lower into his pity, not caring about drawing attention to himself from passers by behind him on the boardwalk. He wanted to be comforted yet left alone, someone to talk to yet just be still, to be happy and laugh but tears were the preference.

How didn't he see this coming, from day one it was plain as day. That only meant that he was plain daft and didn't know better. He understood the risk of long distance dating, but even now that he was here wouldn't that have been better? It should've been but clearly not, leaving only the idea that this happened even before he came. Even then, why did they get together? If this was her life or whatever norm, then why say yes? Why make those promises? Why lead on and be led?

It was all so confusing, no; heartbreaking. This shouldn't have been anything to get that upset over or was he just trying to play it down? Thoughts echoed and raced through his mind. Questions came and bounced around his brain. Scenarios formed and took shape in his head.

"Aaliyah... why?" He thought to himself, dare not to speak out in case tears come before words.

"Was I not enough?"

"Did you ever mean those things you said?"

"Was it all just a facade?"

"Yes." He simply stated reassuringly to himself, when his phone went off in his hand.

19:05: Really? that's a shocker

"Oh you don't know the half of it darling." He murmured to himself looking back out to the ocean.

19:09: Am i bothering you?

19:10: No, why'd you ask?

19:10: just that youre just readin my texts and not responding. I figure you must be busy or somethin

19:11: No i'm not, actually it would be ace if you could keep me company

19:13: well im here arent I?

19:13: Well yes but I meant in the flesh

19:16: ... youre weird u know that?

He laughed a little to himself thankful he could smile again. He felt a little less burdened compared to a couple moments ago.

19:17: I've been told its my charm

19:17: well I may just have to call you Charming.

19:18: Oh no! please don't *laughing tears emoji* I have one other mate back home that has that name, he's quite a chap with the ladies even though he gets regularly shagged about it

19:18: well not that kind of shagged *laughing tears emoji*

19:19: have i lost you?

19:19: Completely. But I think i somewhat get it.

19:19: So I'll call you Prince then, unless u also have a prob with it

19:20: ... *poker face emoji*

19:21: Fine then, I'll call you Marcie no take backs

He paused a little after reading that text, only two other people called him that and he started to miss his mother just as much.


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