Chapter Four: The Truth

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Chapter Four: The Truth

You're still hugging Ross tight when Maia walks over to the both of you.

"I'm guessing the date went well?" She says laughing.

You let go of Ross and playfully punch Maia's arm.

"Shut up. You're just jealous." Ross says while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ok, ew. Don't go all lovely dovey on me." She says while covering her eyes.

Ross looks at his phone,"I got to go to rehearsal. I'll text you when I'm done."

We kissed goodbye and he left. Maia yanks your arm,"OMG! You two...ugh! It's so cute."

You blush and twirl your hair,"yeah I guess. He's just so sweet."

Hours pass and Maia still won't shut up. Your phone vibrates and it's a goodnight text from him. It reads,"I love you more than anyone else. Sleep good tonight. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11. Love you!"

You sleep like a baby throughout the night and dream about Ross. You wake up at 10 and still have to get ready. You rush to the bathroom and start to shower. After your done, you wrap a towel around you and open the door to find Ross there.

"Oh, sorry...uh...I didn't..." he can stop looking at you.

"It's fine. Let me go change and I'll almost be ready." You walk off smiling and skipping to your room.

You brush through your hair and put jean shorts and a white tank top on. You go into the kitchen to see Ross and Maia arguing.

"Hey! What's going on?" You yell.

"Um, nothing. It's not important." Ross says walking to you.

You see Maia rolling her eyes then walk off into the other room.

"Ross, tell me what that was about."

"Nothing, just a little disagreement."

You know something is up but you shake it off. You guys start heading towards the door when Ross gets a text.

"Hey, sorry, I have to go. It's an emergency." Ross says and kisses your forehead. "I'll be right back."

You are getting very worried about what's going on.

"Is Ross gone?" Maia comes into the room.

"Yeah. So tell me what's going on!"

She looks at the ground then back at you.

"Ross is leaving for Australia in a week to go on tour for six months."

You feel a tear roll down your cheek. TO BE CONTINUED.

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