Chapter Thirty-Six: Lynch Love

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Lynch Love

"Oh shut up. I bet this text has nothing to do with that video." Ross says catching up to you.

You just laugh at him then return to see all them standing and staring at you two.

"I told Ross it was a bad idea." You say right when you get there.

"Ross Shor Lynch, why? Are you really that stupid?" Rydel says furiously.

"No I just thought-" he starts to say.

"You just thought wrong." Rocky says.

"Come on guys! You didn't get this mad when Riker told the press that we had sex." Ross says.

"It wasn't filmed though." Stormie says.

"Yeah cause that's called porn and that would be disgusting. This was a kiss that's it, there's already photos of us kissing out there." Ross says angrily.

"Let's just go. Ross you have a meeting with the press in an hour. Don't mess it up." Stormie tells him getting in the car.

The drive back is in silence and Ross is staring blankly out the window. When we get back to the hotel, Ross changes and kisses you goodbye. The others ask if you want to go to lunch with them but you deny the offer. Riker doesn't want to go either so he stays with you.

"Riker, I told Ross it was a bad idea." You tell him.

"Yeah I know. Can I tell you something?" He asks you.

"Sure what's up?" You ask looking at him.

"The reason I told the press that you and Ross had sex was because I was hoping it would break you to up." Riker says looking down.

"What!?" You say a little pissed off.

"I know it was stupid, it's just cause I like you. I love you. I'm jealous of what you and Ross have." Riker says looking at you.

"Riker, I don't feel that way at all, your like my older brother." You say trying to be nice.

"(Insert your name), I can treat you way better than Ross can. I swear just give me a chance." Riker says putting his hand on your bare thigh.

You cringe at the touch and move away from him.

"Riker, stop!" You beg him.

"Let me show you how much I care. I'll scream your name on top of a mountain, carve your name into a hill, anything name it!" Riker said scooting closer to you.

"Riker, I love Ross. We're getting married and there's nothing you can do about it." You tell him.

"Please it can be our dirty little secret." Riker says smirking at you.

"You pig!!" You say shoving him away.

You call Ross right away.

"Hey babe I can't talk right now." He says answering.

"It's important. Riker is in love with me." You tell him.

"Yeah he loves ya like a sister. I already knew that." Ross says laughing.

"No like actually loves me. He's trying to make his move on me right now." You tell him.

"He's just joking around, babe. I've got to go be back soon. Love ya." He says then hanging up.

"See even Ross doesn't believe you." Riker says laughing.

"He will." You tell him.

Riker smiles at you then leans in kissing you but you push him away.

"Riker get the HELL away from me!!" You shout just as everyone comes back from lunch. TO BE CONTINUED.

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