Chapter Fifty: Trip Home

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Chapter Fifty: Trip Home
You quickly cover your blush and look away.
"So, um, your girlfriend? What's her name?" You ask.
"Her name is Nicolette. She came to the US looking at some colleges but then her family made her move back." He says.
That name rings a bell and it goes off like crazy inside your head.
"Nicolette Rivera?" You ask worried.
"Yeah how do you know her?" He asks.
"Um met her one day. Me and her are good friends." You are debating with yourself if you should tell him that she's cheating on him.
"Me and her are splitting apart though. She doesn't seem like attracted to me anymore and whenever I call she never answers." He starts explaining.
"She's dating Riker Lynch!" You blurt out.
"What?" His face goes into shock.
"When I met her, I introduced her to everyone and her and Riker hit it off." You say.
"I knew something was going on. Thank you for telling me that cause now I'm saved from having to break up with her." He says chuckling a little bit.
"Yeah sorry that you got cheated on." You tell him.
"No biggie. I guess I'm on the market again." He flashes you a big smile.
"Don't get your hopes up." You look at him smiling.
"Hey I'm not gonna try for you. Your not my type." He says laughing.
"Not your type!" You say kinda mad at the comment.
"I'm joking. You're nice and pretty and Ross should be glad that he has you." He says.
"Yeah..." You say sighing.
"So you like country music?" He asks trying to lighten things up.
"Eh, it goes either ways." You say.
"Well you're gonna like it. I'm a singer and I have a music video that I made with my own song. Wanna hear it?" He asks pulling out his phone.
"Sure why not?" You say laughing.
He hands you his phone and you click start. You watch the whole video and fall in love with it.
"Oh my gosh, it's amazing. You're really good!" You say smiling.
"Thanks, love. I'm glad you like it." He says.
"I love it!" You say but start to yawn.
"Tired?" He asks.
"Just a little bit." You respond.
"I'll shut up so you can go to sleep." He says flashing you a smile.
You nod and put your hand on his shoulder so it's comfortable and you fall quickly asleep.
"Wake up." A guy tells you nudging your arm.
"Ugh!" You groan.
"We're in Florida." He says.
You finally open your eyes and see Luke looking at you.
"Good! Get me off this plane!" You say laughing.
"I know it's so boring on it. Want my number so we can stay in touch?" He asks.
"I already put my number into your phone, I did it when I watched your music video." You say smiling.
"Ok ill text ya. See ya!" He says walking off.
You're mom comes up to you.
"He seems like a nice boy." She says.
"Mom, he's just a friend." You say defensively.
"Ok ok. Lets go!" She says smiling.
The drive home is short but in silence. You see your old house and car just the way you left it. Your mom drops you off and you walk inside. Everything is in the same place when you left and nothing's changed. You go into the bathroom to change and go pee. You sit down on the toilet and mess with your phone. You accidentally click on your period tracking app and it opens. You decide to look when your next period is and it says you're one week late. You start to worry and you remember the time that you and Ross did it with out protection. You search through your cabinets and you finally find a pregnancy test. You use it and wait impatiently for the answer. You see the shape forming and you quickly cover it with your thumb. You brave up and slowly move your thumb away. It is... TO BE CONTINUED. (Oh that's kinda mean but guess you have to wait now! 😏)

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