Chapter Forty-Five: Hospital

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Chapter Forty-Five: Hospital
"Wh-what happened?" You ask nervously into the phone.
"He was shot in the chest when he tried to break up a fight between two drug dealers. He's in serious condition and going into surgery." The guy tells you.
You're heart drops in pain and tears fall from your eyes. You quickly hang up the phone and grab your keys off the counter. You leave a note telling the others and speed to the hospital. You get there and barge through the doors.
"I want to see him. Please I want to see him." You tell the nurse crying.
"He's in surgery right now. I'm sorry but you can't please go and wait." She tells you politely.
You nod slightly and go sit down. Tears still slowly fall from your face and you fumble with your hands. An hour or so passes without getting told anything. The doctor comes out shortly.
"(Insert your name), he is still in serious condition and his breathing is slowing. The bullet went right past his heart almost killing him instantly. We promise were doing everything we can do to save him." He tried reassuring you.
"Please please save him." You tell him sobbing.
"I'll do whatever I can." He says then goes back.
You go back and slump in the chair looking up at the ceiling. You're surprised the others haven't woken up yet. Another hour passes and you're getting really worried. You can't sit still and even the nurses are trying to calm you down. The doctor appears and approaches you.
"He did have a NDE or near death experience. But we were able to revive him. He's currently unconscious but you can go back and see him for about ten minutes." He says leading you back to his room.
You see Ross laying in bed, his face ghostly white, and is hooked up to about three different machines.
"He's all yours for about ten minutes." The doctor says then leaves.
You pull up a chair right next to him and put your hand in his.
"I know you can't hear me but you are the best guy any girl could ever had. I'm glad you're mine and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I'm praying for you to wake up. I'm proud of you, you know that right? I'm glad you tried to help Rydel, I'm glad you wanted to be the hero. I just want you to know that I love you. I love you more than anything. I wouldn't change this life for anything I promise. I promise." You start crying and you lay your head on his chest.
You lay there for a moment and listen to his slow heartbeat. You feel a little squeeze on your hand but you think you're imagining it.
"I love you too." Ross says in a very faint voice.
"You're awake?" You say almost jumping out of your chair.
"Barely. I'm in a lot of pain but I'm glad you're hear." Ross says kissing your forehead.
"I'm so glad your awake and alive. I thought-I thought I was going to loose you." You say with tears in your eyes.
"Don't cry baby girl. I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere." He says smiling slightly but you see he's still in pain.
"Go back to sleep. You're in pain. Get rest." You tell him.
"No I want to be with you." Ross says looking at you.
The doctor comes in and tells you that you need to leave.
"I'll be back. I promise." You tell him then kiss him gently.
You leave smiling at the fact that he's awake. When you get back to the waiting room, everyone else is there. You just smile and nod your head. Everyone sighs in relief and relaxes in there chair.
"He's still in pain but he was awake." You tell them.
"I can't believe he got shot cause of my stupid mistake." Rydel says shaking her head.
"It's not your fault you didn't know any better." Riker says reassuring her.
"Well I'm just glad everyone is ok." Stormie says who just got back from America because she went to see her husband, Mark.
You all sit in the waiting room for about two more hours. You hear someone come on over the intercom.
"Paging Dr. Smith. Red alert in room 158. Needs assistant ASAP." The girl says calmly over the intercom.
You flashback to when you walked into Ross's room. The numbers are vague to you but then they become clear. The numbers were 158.
"Oh my gosh..." you say quietly to yourself.
"What?" Rocky asks who is sitting right next to you.
"That's Ross's room." You tell him and you jump up from your seat.
"How may I help you?" The girl behind the desk asks you.
"What does red alert mean?" You ask her politely.
"Um the patient went into cardiac arrest and his lungs are slowing down almost to a stop." She tells you.
You faint under the stress and collapse against the desk blacking out.
*Flashback to the first time they met*
"Hello I'm Ross and you are?" Ross says smiling at you.
"I'm (insert your name)." You tell him blushing.
*flashback to there first date*
"You look beautiful." He tells you smiling.
"You look amazing too." You say smiling.
At the end of the night, Ross pulls you close and kisses you gently.
*You're first argument*
"You're leaving to Australia and you didn't tell me?!" You say yelling at him.
"I was going to but I couldn't find the words." He says looking down.
*When you kissed Garrett*
You pulled Garrett close to you and kissed him. Ross saw the whole thing and walked away in anger.
*All the drama*
"Garrett and Mollee are trying to break us up." You tell Ross looking down.
"Baby, look at me. There's no one in the world that would change my feelings towards you." Ross says lifting your chin up.
*The proposal*
"Will you marry me?" Ross asks while getting on one knee.
"Yes a thousand times yes!" You say and hug him tightly.
*In Australia*
"Are you sure you're ready?" Ross asks and stops kissing your neck.
"Yes you're the one I want and I think it's time." You tell him and kiss him.
*At the airport*
"Look ill try to spend more time with you. I promise please don't leave me her alone in Australia." Ross says looking at you.
"I'm not going to leave. You mean to much to me." You tell him then kiss him.
*Present Day*
All those moments rush through your mind as you lay on the cold hard floor of the hospital. TO BE CONTINUED.

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