Chapter Forty-Six: Is He Okay?

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Chapter Forty-Six: Is He Okay?

You wake back up in a chair but still in the waiting room. You see everyone else is still there and you look up at the clock which reads 9:20 pm. You've officially been at the hospital ever since 6 am.

"Any other news?" You ask Maia.

"No we haven't." Maia says quickly.

Right after you ask, the doctor walks out and has that look of devastation on his face.

"Hello, I've got bad news." He says to all of you.

"What is it?" You ask anxiously.

"One of Ross's lungs collapsed during surgery and there's a slight possibility that he won't be able to sing again." The doctor says.

"Buts he's alive?" Stormie asks.

"Yes he is in very stable condition and can receive visitors. Lets have the parents go first." The doctor says then leading Stormie back to his room.

You wait for about fifteen minutes then Stormie returns in tears.

"Fiancé next." He says leading you back.

You see Ross smile right when you walk in. You instantly start to cry and smile at the same time.

"Hey...I'm so glad you're alive." You say kissing him.

"I'm glad too. The singing thing is a bummer but it's something I can deal with. I'm so happy to see your face again." He says stroking your cheek.

"So you feeling ok?" You ask.

"Yeah a lot better than before. The doctor says that I'll just have to spend probably one more day here then I can leave. But I can't do any physical activities for two weeks." He says.

"I thought I lost you. I truly did." You tell him and run your fingers through his hair.

"You're truly the best. Please tell Stormie when you go back that I'm ok and she can stop worrying about me." Ross says laughing.

"(Insert your name), you need to leave now but you'll get to see him later." The doctor tells you.

You kiss Ross goodbye and go back to the others.

"Stormie, Ross told me to tell you that he's ok and stop worrying." You say right when you get back out there.

"I'll try to stop." Stormie says laughing.

Everyone else has there turn with Ross. The doctor advices that everyone goes home to sleep but you won't to stay. You sleep peacefully through the night and wake up around 9 am. The doctor tells you Ross is fully awake and can leave around 11. You wait until 11 and you see Ross getting rolled out in a wheelchair.

"Hey cripple." You tell him jokingly.

"Hey. That's not nice." He says laughing.

You bend down and kiss him.

"Remember, Ross, no sexual inter course, exercise, or anything physical straining for two weeks." The doctor reminds him.

You two go back to the car and you help Ross in.

"Awe no sex for two weeks." You say laughing while driving.

"Just no inter course." Ross says smirking.

You playfully hit him and laugh. You get back and see everyone's awake.

"Hey bro!" Riker says right when we walk in.

"Hey guys." Ross says smiling.

"Do you have a scar?" Rocky asks.

"Yeah it's right on my chest." Ross says lifting up his shirt and there is a incision scar across his upper left chest.

"Ouch, that's not a pleasant sight. No offense." Rydel says laughing.

"None taken. I feel alot better than I did now. And oh yeah, Rydel, Ryan's in jail. The police came to arrest his little gang and then found me on the ground shot." Ross says.

"Good!" Rydel says rolling her eyes.

"Ross! You're voice? Have you tried singing?" Ellington asks.

"No, I'm afraid to try." Ross freely admits.

"Do the chorus of Pass Me By. You love that song." Ryland says.

"Ok ill try." Ross says.

You go sit on the couch by Maia and Nicolette. Ross clears his throat.

Everyone's faces drop when he starts. TO BE CONTINUED.

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