Chapter Fifty-One: Pool Party

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Chapter Fifty-One: Pool Party

It is...negative. You sigh in relief and throw the test away. You go back to the living room and lay down on the couch. Your phone vibrates and you look over at it to see Ross calling you.

"Hey!" You answer.

"Hey babe. Get home safe?" He asks.

"Sadly yes. How's everything going?" You ask.

"Lonely. But I still think it was the right choice." Ross says.

"I don't know. I have to be alone for five months now and that's along time." You tell him.

"I know, I am sorry but it will go quicker than you think." Ross says.

"I hope." You say sighing.

"I've got to go but I"ll call you tonight. I love you." He says.

"I love you, too..." You say then hang up and you toss your phone on the table, but it quickly vibrates again.

You look at it and notice it's from an unknown number.

"Hey this is Luke. I know it's only been like two hours but its so boring in my house. Wanna come over?" The text reads.

"Yeah I'll be right over. What's your address?" You reply.

"7920 Miami Boulevard." He sends back.

"I'll be there in about 20 minutes." You reply back then go and change.

You put on some jean shorts and a flowing tank top and your hair up in a braided pony tail.

You drive to his house and realize that he is rich! His house is basically a mansion and you see it has a pool in the back yard. He greets you at the door in cargo shorts and a nice polo with his hair spiked up.

"Hey!" He says gently hugging you.

"Hey. You're house looks amazing, and so do you." You accidentally say that last part aloud.

"You look good too." He says smiling and letting you come inside.

"So what are our plans today?" You ask plopping down on his couch.

"Well I think we're gonna go swimming." He says going to the fridge and pulling out a water.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." You tell him.

"Well, I guess you go nude, in your undergarments, fully clothed, or be a part pooper." He says laughing.

"Can I borrow a pair of your shorts?" You ask.

He goes into his room and throws you a pair of athletic shorts.

"Here you go." He says smiling.

"Where's your bathroom?" You ask politely.

"Down the hall to the right." He says sitting on the couch.

You go find it with ease and you see it's very organized and clean. You take off your jean shorts and put his shorts on which smelled amazing. You tied them really tight so they wouldn't fall off but you leave your tank top on. You go back out and see Luke already shirtless, having perfect abs, and in his swim trunks already.

"Ready?" He asks opening the back door.

"Yep!" You say sprinting past him and jumping into the pool.

"Unfair!" He says jumping after you.

You laugh and go underwater amazed by how clear it is. You see Luke coming towards you and you go back to the surface. Luke pops up right beside you and has a smile on his face. You swim over to the side and jump up so you're sitting on the edge of the pool, Luke swims over to you and does the same thing.

"Hey, this is awesome. So may I ask why your rich?" You ask.

"Um my dad owned a company and when he...died, I got all his money." He says looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear that." You say sincerely.

"It's no big deal. Can I tell you something?" He asks you.

"Anything." You respond.

"I know we just met, I know your dating Ross, I know we're just friends, but you are amazing. I wish you were single, I wish I could have you, but I can't and I know that. But you can choose me over him. Look, (insert your name), I can give you anything you want, I won't leave you ever, I don't have crazy fan girls trying to get to me. I can give you more, if you just let me." He says looking into your eyes and leaning closer to you.

"Luke, you sound like an amazing person but Ross and me are engaged-" You start to say.

"He sent you away from him, is that really loving?" Luke snaps.

"He does care about me. He is making me safe and protecting me." You snap back.

"I can protect you in person." His voice gets calmer and sweeter and you see his eyes go to your lips.

He leans a little closer so your lips are only like an inch apart and he smells so good to you. He closes the gap and you two kiss and surprisingly it's a good kiss. You move your hand through his wet hair and he puts his hand around your waist. Suddenly, you remember that this is so wrong so you push him away and into the water.

"Hey!" He says when he emerges.

"I'm sorry. I've got to go." You say standing up and going back into the house.

You grab your keys and phone but accidentally leaves your jean shorts but you don't care. You get into your car and pull away seeing Luke looking sadly through the window. TO BE CONTINUED.

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