Chapter Eight: Texting

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Chapter Eight: Texting

You keep reading the texts over and over trying to decide. You can't figure it out so finally you decide to call Ross for him to come over.

"Hey...can you come now?"

"Yeah. Yeah I will." He says worriedly.

You wait about 15 minutes outside when you see his car pull up. You run up to him and hug him tightly.

"Hey, I'm here. I'm here, baby. Don't worry." He says comforting you.

"I'm sorry that I didn't believe you. I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry we're still together, right?"

"Actually I called you cause I went on a date with Garrett and I think I have feelings for him too. And now I can't decide." You say pulling away from Ross.

"Oh...well listen to your heart and let it led the way." He says kissing your forehead.

This is making it harder to decide. Ross is leaving in 4 days for tour and Garrett will be here still so you don't know if you could stay away from Garrett that long.

"I gotta go back before Stormie starts to worry." He kisses your cheek goodnight.

You go inside and belly flop onto the couch. You surprisingly fall asleep but you wake up drenched in sweat. You had a nightmare where Ross left for tour then you fell in love with Garrett, but then got hit by a car and died. You check your phone and see you have a text from a random number.

It reads, "Stay away from Garrett and Ross, they're mine and no one else's! From: G."

You can't sleep the rest of the night and you feel paranoid. Morning comes and you get two good morning texts, one from Ross and one from Garrett. You go get the mail and a find a note on your door. It reads, "I got a surprise for you, come out back."

You're confused but go to your backyard and find Garrett with a puppy and a romantic breakfast. You smile and ran to hug Garrett. You tightly wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek.

"Good morning, love." He says smiling.

"Good morning. I look terrible I know." You both laugh.

"No you're perfect." He says pulling out a chair for you.

You can't help but blush. You sit down and he sits across from you holding your hand on the table. You're about to say something when that same number texts you.

"Make an excuse to leave or else. From: G." TO BE CONTINUED.

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