Chapter Thirty-One: Busy Life

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Chapter Thirty-One: Busy Life

You go into the bathroom and change into a tight tshirt and jean shorts. You come out and see Ross with only his boxers on.

"Hey babe." He says smiling at you.

"Hey hottie." You say sitting on his lap.

He kisses you and wraps his arms around you.

"Last night was amazing." He says holding you against him.

"I know hopefully this doesn't get out." You say jokingly.

"Yeah that probably wouldn't be good." He says,"we should probably go see if the others are up."

You stand up and walk into the other room and they're all staring at you.

"Hey guys." Ross says.

"Hey guys is all you have to say for yourself." Stormie says.

"What did I do?" He asks.

Stormie holds up today's newspaper that has the headline "Ross and Fiancée bail on stage check to have "fun."

"Wait how did that get out?" Ross says surprised.

"You tell me because none of us said anything about it." Rocky says.

You scan there faces and see Riker pacing nervously.

"Riker? What's wrong?" You ask him.

"Uh um nothing." He says quickly sitting down.

"Riker did you have something to do with this?" You ask.

"No, yes, maybe. Last night a press guy asked me where Ross was and I told him he was at the hotel with you alone. He twisted my words. I'm sorry." Riker says putting his head down.

Ross is angry at him and so are you.

"Let's just get ready for band practice." Rydel says.

Ross walks in your room and slams the door shut. Every gets ready in about ten minutes then you leave. The car ride is complete silence and Ross is staring blankly out the window. You grab his hand and he squeezes yours back but still doesn't look at you. When you arrive there's photographers everywhere and press.

"Ross! How was last night?"

"Was it worth skipping out on the band?"

Questions are shouted at the band but no one answers. You enter the building and you and Maia let the band go practice.

"Whatcha wanna do?" Maia asks.

"I don't know. Wanna go across the street for some breakfast?" You ask.

She nods in agreement and a security guard asks if you need him but you say no.

You and Maia go out of the building and already are the paparazzi taking photos of both of you. You and Maia push your way through them and finally get across the street. You and her get a table and order your food. Fans of Maia and r5 paparazzi surrounds the restaurant and each one is trying to get in.

"Gosh don't people have a life?" Maia asks laughing.

"Yeah it's called stalking us." You tell her back.

"Isn't this overwhelming for you?" Maia asks.

"Yeah it's just like I don't want to tell the press something wrong like Riker did. It just stressful." You say looking around.

"Yeah I was famous before this but now I'm like double famous." She says laughing.

You force a fake laugh and see a guy approaching you.

"Hello I'm David Lou. I work for Seventeen Magazine and I would like to know if I could interview you two?" He asks politely.

You and Maia look at each other than nod yes.

"Ok, Maia, is it weird dating another celebrity and will you two go far?" He asks.

"Um it's not weird. Rocky is very caring and right now we have a pretty steady relationship." Maia says.

"Ok, (insert your name), do you have anything to say about Riker giving away you and Ross's secret?" He asks.

"Um I think Riker didn't mean to but yes I'm a little disappointed." You answer.

"Hmm, so you freely admit that you and Ross did it?" He questions.

"No I'm not admitting to anything." You say defensively.

"Well did or didn't you and Ross have sex?" He asks demandingly

"I'm done here. Get out." You tell him.

The guy gets up and snaps one last photo of you and Maia then leaves.

"Let's go back." Maia says.

You nod in agreement and walk back. They're just finishing up the sound check and you wave at Ross. He gives you a small smile back then continues singing. They finish and you run to go hug Ross but its too late. He's already crowded by cameras and interviewers. You turn around with your head down. You wait patiently on a bench close by and finally Ross appears. You run to him jumping on him hugging him.

"Hey sorry." He apologizes while hugging you back.

"It's fine wanna go do something?" You ask smiling.

"I would love too but I have to go check out wardrobe. I'll be done in an hour I promise." He says kissing your forehead then running off.

"Love you too..." you mumble as he runs away.

You sit back down on the bench and decide to tweet.

You tweet, "Having him isn't all what I thought it would be." TO BE CONTINUED.

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