Chapter Forty-Four: Missing

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Chapter Forty-Four: Missing

"Nice to meet you, Ryland." Laura says blushing.

"Nice to meet you, too." Ryland says

"So um whatcha guys doing tonight?" She asks everyone.

"We have another show tonight but that's basically it." Riker says then pulls Nicolette onto his lap.

"Oh and we have an interview in three hours or so." Rocky adds.

"I'm gonna go change." Ross says going into your room.

You follow him and close the door behind.

"Laura and Ryland? I think that's a yes." You say sitting down on the bed.

"I don't know. Ryland is younger than her and I think Ryland isn't into those types." Ross says changing his shirt.

"Hmm I see it happening. Then everyone will have there someone special. Have you seem Rydel's new guy? He is a total babe." You tell Ross.

"Not as good as me though." Ross says kissing you.

"Yeah you're right. What happen to those two anyway?" You ask wondering.

"Probably making out someone." Ross says laughing.

You hear the front door open then close.

"I think she's back." You say laughing and going to say hi to her.

"Hey Ryd-" you stop short when you see her.

There's bruises all over her wrists and face, cuts on her arms and legs, and the smell of marijuana on her. She is quietly sobbing and trying to hold back the tears.

"Rydel, what happened?" Ellington says rushing to her side.

"Ryan..." She barely says.

"What did he do?" Riker asks leading Rydel to sit down.

Rydel slowly and painfully sits down on the couch.

"We...went for a walk then...he asked if I wanted to go to...his house. I said sure...cause I didn't have to...go home for anything. H-he took me to his house and right away...I knew it was a mistake to go there. I smelled the marijuana from the outside and I tried to run...but he grabbed my wrists and dragged me inside. I tried calling you guys but...he took my phone. He started smoking and things got really bad really quick. He was kissing me and everything. I tried pulling away but he'll just do it harder with more force. About an hour or so, his gang came in and was intrigued by me. So they started joining the fun of punching me then kissing me then slapping me. I finally hopped through the bathroom and window and here I am." She says still sniffling.

Riker is rubbing her back and trying to calm her down, but she's still panicking.

"Once I get my hands on that guy, he's dead." Ross says coming out of the room and grabbing his keys.

"Ross, no I can't have you get hurt." You tell him grabbing his arm.

"I'm already hurt at the sight of my sister in pain." He says and barges out the door.

You feel unsafe without him there and you sit slowly on the couch. An hour passes, then two. You keep calling and texting him but he doesn't answer. The others are worried to so they call the interview off. Another hour, than another. You can't sit still and you start pacing. Maia, Nicolette, and Laura are all trying to calm you down but nothing helps. Ross left around 2 pm, it's 7 now. You split up into search groups and go looking for him. You even go to Ryan's house, he never was there says Ryan's younger brother. You can't help but cry and cry and cry. You think of the worst and you can't control your emotions.

"(Insert your name), he's probably fine. Calm down please." Maia asks.

"I can't...what happens if...if he's gone." You say through your tears.

"He's not gone, just missing that's it. He'll be back by morning probably, just go to bed." Nicolette adds.

"No I'm not going to sleep till he's back." You say sitting on the couch.

Hours pass and it's around 3 am. You still can't sleep and Rydel decided to stay up with you. It's around 5 am now and Rydel has fallen asleep but you can't. You keep pacing and checking your phone like magically your gonna get a text from him saying he's ok. 6 am now and still nothing. You try calling him and texting him but again no response. You throw your phone across the room and lay down on the couch in tears. You lay there motionless until you hear, faintly, your phone vibrating. You jump over the couch and go get it. It's a call from an unknown number, you answer it.

"Hello is this (insert your name)?" The man says.

"Yes." You reply vaguely.

"I have bad's about your husband." TO BE CONTINUED.

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