Chapter 10: You Will Break

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100 years later

That was all he did now.
It was all he knew.
And he enjoyed it.

He let his another arrow fly from his bow, it hit an orc in the head, right between the eyes.

He glanced behind his shoulder and noticed that he was out of arrows, not a problem.

He quickly dropped his bow and pulled out a long, black sword. He brutally hacked into any orc that came close. He took off arms and heads and relished the screams of agony coming from his victims.

They thought I was weak.
He placed the sword back into its sheeth and curled his hands into fists.
Now they are the weak ones.

His fist slammed into an orc's head, he smiled in grim satisfaction when he heard its neck snap.

He fought without his weapons for the pure joy of it. He loved watching the orcs cower away from him, knowing that even without a sword or bow he was far from defenseless.

He continued to kill the orcs until there was only one left. It cowered against a wall and waited for him to finish him off.

He drew a small dagger and threw it at the orc. It embedded itself into the orc's chest, not killing it right away, but definitley causing pain.

He smiled as he watched the orc writhe in pain. He walked over and ripped the dagger out, and then stabbed the pathetic creature in the throat.

"Well done."
Kanor narrowed his eyes in approval.
"Your skills have improved greatly Alkar."

Alkar nodded his head.
Kanor rarely praised him and he accepted his approval with silence.

"I believe that your training is finally complete. It is time for you to meet your master."

Alkar felt a shiver run down his spine. He still hadn't met this "master" Kanor spoke about, every time he mentioned him his blood ran cold.

Kanor led him out of the room he had training in for more years than he could count.
He had trained until his hands bled, his bones broke, and until he could no longer stand.

He followed Kanor through the dark hallway, Alkar remembered a time when he hadn't been able to see in the darkness, but now he could navigate it easily.

Kanor led him into a dark room that he had never seen before. His eyes could barely make out the dark shape that snaked throughout the room.

Welcome Alkar, we meet at last.

The voice seemed to fill the entire room, Alkar had to force himself to not shake or tremble at the sound.

It is time you began serving me. You have but one task left to complete before you are truly ready.

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