An Unexpected Encounter

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Tauriel braided her hair as fast as she could while she hurried to meet with Feren and the king.

She didn't know why she had been summoned and for a moment she was afraid that she had done something wrong, but as soon as she entered the Throne Room she was greeted with a warm smile by Feren.

Thranduil wasn't smiling, but he didn't seem angry either.
"You summoned me my King?"
Tauriel quickly threw her half-finished braid over her shoulder and stood up straight in front of the king.

"Feren has told me that he has seen you training with my son, is that true?"

His voice was not accusing, or angry, just curious.
Even if it had been Tauriel wouldn't be nervous. Almost everyone knew by now that Legolas had been teaching her how to fight, even though they couldn't understand why he did.

"He has, although he told me just a few weeks ago that there is nothing else that he can teach me."

"Do you believe that he has taught you everything he knows?"

Tauriel nodded.
"Yes, I do believe that."
She wondered what the king was getting at.

"Feren; would you care to tell Tauriel the reason why we have brought her here?"

She turned her attention to Feren who gladly explained:
"I have noticed your skill in combat Tauriel, and since spiders have been troubling us more than ever we could use more elves at the borders, what
would you say to joining the Forest Gaurd?"

Tauriel was speechless. Had he really just said what she thought he did?

Join the Forest Guard? Do they really want me to join the Forest Gaurd?

"If you do not wish to join the Guard that is alright."
Thranduil said slowly.
"Becoming one of the Forest Guard would mean that you would become responsible for the safety of all those who live in the realm. It is a heavy burden that few can carry, and if you feel as if you cannot-"

"I will join the Forest Guard."
Tauriel quickly realized that she had interrupted the king.

I must stop doing that....

Thranduil didn't seem bothered by it, or maybe he was just hiding that fact that he was.

"Are you certain Tauriel? As the king said it would be big responsibilty, and dangerous."
Feren studied her as he waited for her reply.

"I am certain."
Tauriel turned towards the king and waited for his response.
"Very well. If this is your desire than so be it. You will begin your new duties tomorow at dawn."

Tauriel nodded and the king waved his hand to dismiss both her and Feren.

The two elves bowed and left the throne room. Tauriel couldn't believe that she had just joined the Forest Guard!

I have to tell Legolas!

"What do you think Tauriel? You have gone from being a Healer to becoming one of the Forest Guard, and you have only been living among us for only three hundred years."

Tauriel jumped at Feren's voice. She had almost forgotten that he was there.

"I do not know what to think, I cannot thank you enough for recommending me to the king."

Feren chuckled.
"Do not thank me milady, thank Prince Legolas for asking his father to allow you to join the Guard."

Legolas? Legolas did this?

"You will be given your new outfit this evening, as well as a new bow and daggers. Then you will join the prince and the rest of the Guard at the front gate at dawn."

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