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Thirty one years later....



Legolas grabbed his bow and strapped it onto his back. Everything he would need was ready, the time had come to join the rest of the newly formed Fellowship of the Ring.

The council had been filled with shocking news and unexpected surprises that had given Legolas a feeling of uneasiness about their quest.

He hadn't expected to see the ring again and he hadn't expected to feel any kind of desire for it, yet when Frodo had placed the ring on the table before them he couldn't help the feeling of desire and horror creeping in.

Elrond, Gandalf, and Aragorn were right. The ring had to be destroyed and he would be there to ensure that it was.

He was glad that he wouldn't be the one to carry it though, he feared that he wouldn't be strong enough to withstand its temptations.

But he had faith in Frodo, the hobbit seemed strong-willed and determined to complete his task as ringbearer.

All Legolas, Gandalf, Aragorn, and the others had to do was protect him and make sure that the quest did not fail.

Legolas was also glad that Gandalf and Aragorn were coming, although he wasn't enthusiastic about the dwarf, Gimli, and Boromir of Gondor, joining the Fellowship.

It wasn't that he didn't like them, but he did not trust them. The three other hobbits: Sam, Merry, and Pippin, had no experience in combat and Legolas feared that they would only cause a hindrance for the rest of them.

But they have the courage of the strongest warriors Legolas. They will prove themselves in the end.

Legolas recognized the voice and looked up, expecting to see Tauriel but was saddened to see that there was no one in sight.

They were chosen too Legolas, just as you were. Never forget that Legolas, you all need to trust and remain true to one another.

Or else you will fail.

Tauriel's voice left him leaving Legolas alone and in silence.
He would try, for Tauriel's sake and for the sake of Middle Earth he would try.

As he left his room to join the others questions began to race through Legolas' mind.

Would they succeed or would they fail? Would they all make it to the end of their journey alive or would they all fall?

The only thing I can do is move forward and give it my best.
Legolas decided.

And with that Legolas stepped out into the grey morning light where the rest of the Fellowship awaited.

The journey of a lifetime was about to begin, and none of them knew if they would return from it alive.

The End

Credits and final A/N coming tomorow.

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