Shattered Pieces

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Legolas scrambled backwards, trying to put as much distance between himself an Bolg as much as possible.

How the orc survived was the least of Legolas' concerns at the moment. He had no weapons, he was tired and weak, he was completely defenseless.

Bolg grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him forward. Legolas' back scraped against the hard rock beneath.

He kicked both of his legs in a desperate attempt to free himself but Bolg refused to release his hold.

The orc grabbed Legolas by the arm and lifted him into the air. Legolas landed a hard punch to Bolg's face with his free hand only to be twisted around to where his back was against Bolg's chest and both of his arms were pinned to his sides.

Legolas kicked and thrashed his body in a vain attempt to dislodge himself. Bolg was only holding onto him with one arm, leaving Legolas' legs dangling in mid air.

The orc carried him over to some large boulders and thrust him forward, causing Legolas' face and chest to collide with the stone.

Legolas closed his eyes and went limp as Bolg pinned him there. What was the point of him fighting anymore? Why didn't he just let Bolg kill him?

Tauriel was dead, if he died he would be able to be with her. That would be better than living forever without her.

He waited for the final blow to come, the one that would end his life, but it never came.

Instead of the cruel bite of a sword he felt strong, cruel hands grabbing his wrists and forcing them behind his back.

Fear flooded into Legolas' heart as he felt a rope binding his hands together. Bolg wasn't going to kill him, he'd never intended to kill him.

Legolas had heard plenty of stories of elves who had been captured by orcs, some had been enough to give him nightmares as an elfling.

But this was no nightmare. This was real, and he was terrified.

Legolas began to fight, he swung his head backwards only to fall onto his side. He could do nothing with his hands bound behind him.

Bolg grabbed his ankles and began to tie them together as well. Legolas kicked out as hard as he could but it was no use, soon the rope was firmly tied around his ankles.

He was trapped.

Legolas' fear turned to panick as Bolg lifted him effortlessly onto his shoulder. He went limp as Bolg held him firmly in place with one arm and retrieving his weapon with the other.

He didn't bother calling out to anyone, no one would hear him. As far as he knew the dwarves he had been fighting with were dead.

His father had left him, Tauriel was dead, there was no one.

As the orc carried him off Legolas caught one last glimpse of Tauriel, laying lifeless on the cold unforgiving rock.

I'm sorry Tauriel, I couldn't save you.

A tear rolled down Legolas' cheek as he lowered his head in defeat.

I cannot even save myself.


Bolg had been fortunate enough to land on a ledge that had been hidden from the sight of the elf.

Once he had recovered and made sure that the elf was no longer near the edge of the cliff he'd climbed back up, ready to finish what he had started.

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