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She walked as fast as she could through the halls of the palace, dodging other elves as they moved in the opposite direction.

Some moved out of the way to let her pass while others didn't seem to notice her, either way she was having trouble moving about the usually quiet halls of King Thranduil.

If someone would care to explain to me what is going on I would be very grateful!

She didn't voice her frustration aloud. Knowing perfectly well that her request would go unheeded by the other elves.

Without meaning to she accidently tripped over the foot of a dark-haired ellon going past her and fell gracelessly onto the floor.

She cursed under her breath as the elves continued on their way towards the main entrance to the palace.

At least they are all gone now.

She thought crossly while she remained on the floor.

"Would care for some assistance milady?"
A hand reached out towards her and she took it gratefully.
"Thank you Feren. At least someone is willing to be helpful today."

She pushed a strand of her red hair behind her ear and didn't bother to hide the annoyance in her voice.

"Now wouldn't anyone help such a charming young elleth?"
Feren tilted his head to the side in mock confusion.
This caused a small smile to spread on her face, Feren could always find a way to make her smile.

Even if he cannot truly bring me to be cheerful, it is nice to have someone who cares about you.

"What is going on Feren? Why is everyone running about like startled deer?"

Feren chuckled and quickly explained.
"Have you not heard? The King's son is returning from Imladris today. In fact, he has already arrived. King Thranduil met him at the border and has brought him back to the palace."

"Why was he away for so long?"
She had known that the King had a son, and that he had been in Imladris under the care of Lord Elrond, but she never knew why.

Feren tapped his foot on the floor and crossed his arms, he seemed to be debating about if he should tell her or not.

"The prince had been attacked by orcs a few years ago. The attack left him gravely injured and also caused the death of the King's oldest son. To protect his remaing son, Thranduil sent him to Imladris while we hunted down the orcs who had attacked him."

"Did you ever find them?"
"No, but we never gave up our search. And it was on the last night of winter that we found you that seemed to confirm our fears that orcs still roamed about our lands."

She shuddered as she remembered that night. It had been so cold, and she had been alone and afraid.

"I thank the Valar every day that you found me. And that the King allowed me to stay in his home."

Feren smiled.
"We are all glad to have you here. You have helped us in more ways than you can imagine."

You may be glad that I am here, although I doubt that anyone else is.

"Forgive me Feren, but I should be going. Arianel will be wondering where I am."

Feren nodded in understanding.
"Of course, I know better than to keep her waiting."
He chuckled as he dipped his head and walked away.

Meanwhile she made her way down the hall towards the healing wing where Arianel would be waiting for her.

Arianel was in charge of all the healers in the palace. She had more experience with healing than any other elf.

She is impressed with my skills with healing. Although she will not admit it.

After she had arrived in the palace it was soon discovered by the elves, mainly Arianel, that she had a talent for healing.

She had been sent by the King to work with Arianel and become a healer. Except Arianel was probably the most impatient elf she had ever met.

Not to mention a bit rude and slightly overbearing. If only she would treat me as she does her kin. Of course, it makes sense why she treats me the way she and every other elf in this place does.

Because I am an outsider, a stranger, they do not trust me or consider me to be one of their own. And that is something I have to live wi-

She gave a small cry of alarm as she ran into someone who had been heading down the hall towards her.

"Are you alright?"
"No! That is the second time someone has run into me without thinking!"
She'd had enough of everyone treating her like she was nothing, and she was about to unleash all of her anger and frustration at the elf in front of her.

"I am tired of everyone acting as if I do not exist! All of you are stuck-up spoiled elves who think that they are better than everyone else and I will not take any more of this-"

"TAURIEL! How dare you speak to the prince this way? I should bring you before the king himself so you can tell him exactly what you said to his son!"

The prince? The prince!

Tauriel gaped in shock at the elf in front of her, as she studied him she could tell immediately that he was in fact the king's son.

Oh Valar what have I just done?

Meanwhile, Arianel was apologizing to the prince for Tauriel's outburst.

"Forgive her your highness, she is new here and does not know how to conduct herself around those in higher authority than her."

Tauriel glared at her and was about to open her mouth to defend herself, when she found that she didn't have to.

"It is fine, I am not harmed by her words and since she is new here than it is not her fault that she did not know who she was speaking to."

Tauriel couldn't believe that he wasn't the least offended by what she had said.

I called him spoiled  and stuck-up! How can he be fine with this?

Arianel was thinking the same thing.
"Are you certain my lord? If it pleases you I can see to it that she is properly corrected for her disrespect."
"There is no need. Now if you will both exscuce me I wish to head for my chambers and rest for awhile. I am weary from my long journey."

Arianel bowed and motioned for Tauriel to do the same.
"As you wish my lord."
Tauriel wondered if it was just her imagination, but she could have sworn that she heard the prince sigh frustration.

He said nothing as he passed by the two elves and Tauriel watched him go. Arianel grabbed her arm and swung her around to face her.

"You may have gotten off easy this time Tauriel, but I can assure you if you do something like that ever again I will personally drag you to the throne of the king and throw you down at his feet so you can hear what he has to say about your behavior understand?"

Tauriel nodded as Arianel released her.
"Now come, I want you to help me with those two elves that were stung yesterday. I believe that one of them has a fever and I need you to see to it that he is comfortable and receives the proper attention he needs. Alright?"

Tauriel nodded and followed Arianel silently towards the healing wing. The whole time pondering over why she could not just fit in and be accepted by the elves of Mirkwood.

Perhaps this is destined to be my fate. I will be an outsider for my whole life, and I will never belong here no matter how much I try.

With those thoughts in her heart she entered the room with the injured elf and focused on not messing up any more than she already had.

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