In The Treetops

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Legolas walked beneath the branches of the trees. Autumn had arrived and a cool, crisp wind was blowing gently through the forest.

As he walked he sensed someone else in the forest. He gripped the handle of his dagger and continued to walk cautiously forward.

Suddenly he was blinded as something swung out of a overhanging branch and covered his face.

Laughter filled his ears and Legolas allowed himself to smirk as he parted the strands of orange hair out of his face.

"Do you enjoy sneaking up on people?"
Legolas asked with mock anger.
"Sneaking? My lord I have been here since sun up, if anyone is "sneaking" it is you."

Tauriel was hanging upside down by her legs in the branch. Her arms were crossed and her hair hung loosely as she smiled mischieviously as Legolas.

Legolas stepped out from underneath her and watched as she swung herself back up onto her branch. She looked over her shoulder and down at Legolas.

"I will race you to the top."
"Is that a challenge?"
Legolas grinned as he climbed up into the branch that Tauriel was in.
"I could out climb you any day."
Tauriel taunted.

"Alright then.... Go!"
Before Tauriel could react Legolas was already leaping into the branch above them, swinging himself onto it he continued to climb effortlessly up the tree.

Tauriel was soon right behind him, both elves moving with natural grace as they climbed higher and higher into the treetops.

Tauriel's head emerged from the leaves, which had turned red with the coming of Autumn.

"I won."
Tauriel turned around and found Legolas standing just a few feet away from her.
The wind picked up and began ripping leaves from their branches, small blue butterflies took the air as the leaves flew about them.

The wind caused Tauriel and Legolas' hair to whip around them like dancing flames, the red leaves and blue butteflies flew and spun around them, creating an ethereal scene that neither of them would ever forget.

Tauriel met Legolas' gaze and smiled. His blue eyes, which had been so full of sorrow and grief, were now alight in a way that she had never seen before.

"Would you like to move to a more comfortable spot?"
Legolas suggested.
"I thought you would never ask. My legs are beginning to grow weary from standing here."

Legolas chuckled as his head disappeared under the leaves. Tauriel followed him and soon the two elves were settled side by side on a branch that gave them a clear view of the Lonely Mountain.

"There's a strange beauty to be found in mountains."
Tauriel commented shifting closer to Legolas.
"Only one that you can see. I have no love for mountains."

"But do they not fill you with wonder? Or curiosity about what lies on the other side?"
"All I know is that a dragon lives under that mountain and I have no desire to go anywhere near

Tauriel sighed. She knew perfectly well that a dragon dwelled in what was once a kingdom of dwarves, but that didn't stop her from feeling wanderlust at the sight of the mountain.

"You have no desire to see what is beyond your borders? To even catch a glimpse of what the rest of the world is like?"

"I am quite content in my home."
Tauriel narrowed her eyes at him.
"I can tell when you are lying Legolas."

Legolas glanced at her in surprise.
"Why would I lie to you?"
"You are not lying to me, you are lying to yourself."

Before he could object Tauriel continued,
"You want to leave the forest, you want to see forests, mountains, and cities. Yet you are afraid of what you will find if you step foot outside of your home."

Legolas wanted to argue but in his heart she knew that she was right. He wanted to explore the lands of Middle Earth, and see what was beyond the shadows of Mirkwood, but he could not.

He was bound to his people, and his father.

If I did not have the responsibilities that I do now I would gladly leave Mirkwood and travel to my heart's desire.

Tauriel studied the expression on his face, it was one that she knew well, the face he made when he was trying to hide how he truly felt from others.

"Why are you still here Tauriel?"
His question shocked and surprised her. Why would he ask something like that?

"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You said that once you were trained how to fight you would leave Mirkwood. I have trained you all that I can and yet you still remain in Mirkwood, with elves that still do not trust you or accept as one of their own."

Legolas studied her for a moment before asking again,
"Why did you decide to stay?"

Tauriel hadn't thought about her original plan in years. At first it had been the only thing on her mind, train and then leave Mirkwood forever.

But Legolas had taught her all that he could and she was now a lethal fighter, and her skills had not gone unnoticed by Feren and the rest of the Guard who happened to see them practicing in the forest.

So what was holding her back? What kept her from leaving the dark forest and the elves that still continued to ignore and shun her?

There has to be something keeping me here.

As she glanced at Legolas a thought entered her mind...

Or someone.

Tauriel had to resist gasping in disbelief. It couldn't be Legolas! Sure she had grown close to him during the time they'd spent together, but he couldn't possibly be the reason why she had stayed.

Why are you lying to yourself? You know the truth in your heart yet you deny it. Just tell him how you feel.

That was the problem though, Tauriel didn't know how she felt.
She had no idea what this emotion was that she felt towards Legolas, they were friends and that was all.

So why can you not breathe every time you see him? And why is it that your heart pounds every time someone mentions his name?

She jumped as his voice, his soft and gentle voice, brought her out of her thoughts.
"I do not know why I have stayed."
She replied.

Turinging towards the mountain she whispered to herself,
"Perhaps it is because of you."
She didn't know if Legolas heard it or not, but she suddenly felt Legolas' arm wrap around hers, pulling her closer to his side.

She leaned against him and the two of elves gazed at the Lonely Mountain. Wondering what this strange new feeling was that had come over them, and neither of them knowing that both of their lives were about to change forever.

 Wondering what this strange new feeling was that had come over them, and neither of them knowing that both of their lives were about to change forever

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None of the artwork I use in this story belongs to me. I give all credit to the amazing artists that drew them.

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