The Second Light

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Estel could feel conciousness returning to his mind as his eyes flickered opened. He was seized by panick for a moment, remembering that he was a prisoner of Brion's and was about to be killed.

But then he realized that he was no longer outside. He was in a room, a very familiar room.

I'm home! But how did I get here?

Estel tried to figure out what had happened before he had lost conciousness but everything was fuzzy and unclear.

I'll find out soon enough.

Estel slowly lifted off his covers and inspected his injuries. His leg had been properly cleaned and bandaged and he no longer had a fever.

How long have I been unconcious?

As if to answer his question the door slowly opened and in walked in Elladan and Elrohir.

"Hello little brother!"
Elrohir grinned as he sat himself beside Estel.
"What trouble have you managed to get yourself into this time?"

Estel chuckled and then winced. He was still in a bit of pain from his latest mishap.

"It's a long story."
"We have time."
Elladan said pulling up a chair and sitting beside the bed.

Estel took in a deep breath and relayed everything that had happened to him, Halbarad, Fornil, Legolas, and Brion.

The twins listened in silence. Neither spoke until Estel was finished speaking.

"I was ready for Brion to take my life when suddenly I lost conciousness."
Estel concluded.
"I woke up here and now I'd like to know how I got here."

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged a glance, it was Elladan who answered.
"Legolas brought you here. He saved your life."


"He'd been pierced in the shoulder by an arrow yet he still carried you here."
Elrohir added.
"He collapsed the moment he stepped foot inside the front gate."

Estel stared at his brothers dumbfounded. There was no way that Legolas would do that for him! Why would he? What had he ever done for him?

An image flashed into his mind of Legolas being pinned on the ground by Brion, he remembered what the man had been about to do to him.

"Is he alright?"
Estel asked trying not to sound as concerned as he felt.
"He awoke two days ago."
Elladan told him.

"He has actually been asking about you a lot."
Elrohir commented.
"If I did not know any better I would say that he is worried about you."

Elladan widened his eyes in mock disbelief.
"Why Elrohir that is ridiculous! Why those two cannot stand each other!"

Estel rolled his eyes, although he was surprised at the heavy amount of concern he felt towards Legolas.

Why am I so worried about him? He doesn't like me and I don't like him. He was practically the reason why we got into that mess! Why Fornil died....

But he saved your life. He could have left you to die but instead he risked his own life to save yours.

Estel sighed.
Perhaps he had misjudged the elf, maybe he wasn't as cold and hard as he made himself out to be.

I may have been wrong about him but that does not mean we will become friends.

"Where is Legolas now? I- I want to thank him."
Elladan arched an eyebrow skeptically.
"Are you sure that you are well enough Estel?"

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