You Have Changed

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Special thanks to purehoney101 for helping me with this story's description. It really captures the plot of the story way better than the one I came up with!

Thanks mellon nin!


Estel awoke fully rested with his wound properly dressed and cleaned. He had fallen asleep on their way to Rivendell and he was glad to once again be home.

The events of last night entered Estel's mind. He still couldn't believe that after all these years he had found Legolas.

Although he wasn't as thrilled as he thought he would be. Something about the elf was very different from when he had known him as a child.

His thoughts were interrupted as Elladan entered his room.
"How are you feeling Estel?"
"Better, although I wouldn't mind some food."

Elladan chuckled as Elrohir entered behind him, carrying a tray of food.

"We had all of your favorites prepared for you Estel."
Elrohir set the tray beside his brother and smiled in amusement as Estel tore into the food.

"When was the last time you had a proper meal, Estel?"
Elladan asked shaking his head.
"Far too long. This winter has been hard and cruel."

"Perhaps you would enjoy remaining here until the winter passes?"
Elrohir suggested.
"We miss having our little brother around."

"I wish I could, but I promised Halbarad that I would return to Arnor after I met with Gandalf."

At the mention of his meeting with Gandalf Estel suddenly remembered Legolas.

"How is Legolas? And why did you take him by force like that?"
Elladan glanced at Elrohir and sighed.

"We did not want to Estel, but we were told by both Mithrandir and adar that if we were to ever come across Legolas we were to bring him here to Rivendell."

"Even if it was against his will."
Elrohir concluded.
"But why? What do Gandalf and adar want with him?"

"Legolas has been a visitor to Rivendell before, it was a very long time ago when he first came here."
Elladan began.

"His older brother had been slain by orcs and his father sent him here for protection and healing."
Elrohir added.

"He returned home and we had not heard from him since. Elrohir and I were not here when adar found Legolas unconscious and wounded on his way back from Lothlorien."

"I remember that night."
Estel commented.
"I saw adar carry Legolas inside."

"Then I assume that you know the rest of the story."
Elrohir said.
"Legolas disappeared and we have not seen him since last night. As for why adar and Mithrandir want him I can only assume it is because of his

"Who is his father?"
"Thranduil, the King of Mirkwood."
Estel's eyes widened in surprise. Legolas was a prince?

He does not act like one.

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