Getting Him Back

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Thalion searched for any sign of Gandalf or Elrond. It had been almost two weeks since his encounter with Legolas, and for Thalion that was too long to wait going after him.

He finally found them talking with Celeborn and Galadriel, he quickened his pace and interupted their conversation.

"You are planning to find Legolas, right?"
The four of them turned towards Thalion. Their faces revealed no traces of what they were thinking.

"Thalion we know that you fear for Legolas, and that you want him back home and safe as soon as possible. But we do not know where he is or if he would come with us willingly."

Thalion nearly exploded at Gandalf's words.
"Do you believe that he wants to be with those monsters? I saw the fear in his eyes Gandalf! He begged me to help him and I cannot stand by and leave him to suffer!"

Gandalf exchanged a look with Celeborn who shook his head. Thalion had told them all about what had happened with Legolas.

"Thalion this is going to be hard for you to accept."
Celeborn began,
"But after hearing what you and Gandalf had to say about your encounter with Legolas, it seems as though Legolas is being controlled somehow."

"Someone is forcing him to kill and lead orcs into battle. We are not sure who it is but we have a theory."
"What is it?"
Thalion demanded.

Celeborn sighed and allowed Gandalf to take over.
"They say that a being of terrible power lives near the borders of Mordor. Someone who almost posses the power of the Maiar, yet it only a man."

"Who is he?"
Thalion didn't bother to hide the impatience in his voice.
"He is known as Kanor, he disappeared many years ago but there is evidence that he is stirring again."

Thalion snorted. Surely his younger brother getting captured by orcs, disappearing for almost three hundred years, suddenly reappearing, and being forced to kill people against his will seemed to be enough evidence to confirm that this "Kanor" was stirring again.

"Where can we find him?"
Thalion crossed his arms and waited for a reply.
"As I said, near Mordor."
Gandalf replied shortly.

"Then what are we waiting for? We know where he is, why can't we-"
"Thalion you must calm yourself. We are not certain if it is Kanor, for all we know he is dead and ther is another being responsible for Legolas' capture."

Thalion narrowed his eyes at the grey wizard.
"Who else could be responsible?"
Elrond glanced at Gandalf who nodded. The Lord of Rivendell turned towards Thalion.

The elf reeled back in shock.
Sauron? How could that be possible? He was dead!

"If it is Sauron, then I fear that there is no hope for Legolas. Even without his Ring he still has some power. Although why he would use his power on a single elf is unknown to me."

Elrond then turned his gaze back to Gandalf.
"Whether it is Sauron or Kanor we cannot wait to act if we are to try and save Legolas."

Thalion recovered from his initial shock and looked at Elrond hopefully.
They were finally going to do something!

"Very well then."
Gandalf announced.
"Thalion and I will go search for Legolas, and if possible bring him back here."

Thalion had expected Gandalf to forbid him to come but the wizard had known that it would be pointless to convince Thalion to stay.

"You will not be going alone."
Galadriel spoke for the first time since they had gathered.
"I will send Haldir to accompany you. He will aid you in finding Legolas."

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