What I Have Become

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Legolas' POV

What have I done?

This isn't me, it's something else, a creature that lives inside of me.

I cannot control it.

It's trying to break free.

I have to contain it, but I'm not strong enough.

It's too late for me now, I cannot be saved.

And no one can be saved from


Two weeks later....

"Have you seen Legolas?"
Thalion approached the two guards stationed at the gate.

"He went out into the forest at dawn my lord."
One of the guards informed him.
"He was armed with his bow, and he has not returned yet."

Thalion looked into the forest grimly. After him and Inwë's wedding Legolas had become...

It was the only word he could use to describe Legolas' behavior.
He never wanted anyone to be with him, including Inwë, and everyday he went out into the forest alone.

He would be gone all day and return at night. He never said where he went or what he had been doing, he would go straight to his room and stay there until morning.

Thalion looked up at the sky. It would be dark in a couple of hours. Legolas would be back soon and he would be there when he returned.

He was worried about his brother. Elrond had remained in Mirkwood longer than he had originally planned to, which Thalion was greatful for.

The Lord of Rivendell was just as concerned for Legolas as Thalion was.

Please Eru, let him be alright. I lost him once and I could not bear to lose him again.


Legolas put another arrow into the eye of a large spider. The creature shrieked in pain and tried to scramble away from the elf, only to have another arrow embedded in its back.

Legolas dropped his bow and switched to his sword, he leapt onto the spider's back and thrust the sword into its head.

The spider's body trembled and collapsed. Legolas stepped off of the beast and yanked his arrows out of its back and eye.

He gazed around the clearing and counted all of the spiders he had killed.

Still not enough.

Legolas retrieved his fallen bow and placed his arrow's back into their quiver. He cleaned the spider blood off of his sword and placed it back into its sheeth.

As he turned to head back home he staggered and almost fell onto his knees. Legolas stumbled over to a nearby tree and leaned against it, gasping for breath.

Was I wounded?

No, he would have noticed if he had been bitten or stung.

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