What Has To Be Done

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Thalion led a group of fifteen elves into the forest. What he was about to do made him feel sick.

You can stop this, there has to be another way!

Thalion's mind raced to come up with another solution to their problem, but he could find none.

There was no other way....

"There he is."
An elf pointed into the trees and there was Legolas. Walking with his bow in his hand, and blood on his fingertips.

Thalion shuddered and cautiously approached him.
His brother stopped walking and turned to face him. He didn't seem surprised that they were there, only agitated.

"What do you want?"
"Father wants you to return home. It is no longer safe to wander alone."
"I can take care of myself."

Thalion looked pleadingly at his brother. Around him, the elves he had brought with him were slowly closing in around Legolas.

"Please, gwador, come home with me."
Legolas said nothing and Thalion could tell that he was searching for the elves that were hiding.

He knew that they were there. The question was, what would Legolas do?

"I will go."
Legolas placed his bow onto his back and walked towards Thalion.
The older elf breathed a sigh of relief and walked beside his brother back to the palace.

The elves followed them silently and kept their distance. They had been ordered to only make sure that Legolas returned to the palace, they were not to intefere in any way unless it was necessary.

Once they reached the front gate two guards approached them, with four more following close behind.

"Thalion, your father wishes to speak with you. And we are to escort Legolas to his chambers."

Legolas glared suspiciously at Thalion who refused to meet his gaze.

"Go with them Las."
The elves surrounded Legolas and escorted him into the palace. Legolas threw one last glare at Thalion before vanishing into one of the hallways.

Thalion watched them go and felt a knot tightening in his stomach.

I just sent my brother to his death....


Legolas allowed himself to be led like a prisoner through his own home. He didn't meet any of the elves' gazes or speak to any of them.

Their feet made no sound as they approached Legolas' room.
He opened his door and entered; only to be followed by the guards.

Legolas narrowed his eyes at them. They were plotting something, but he didn't know what.

The guards did nothing as Legolas took his bow and quiver off his back and set them up against a wall.

He took off his sword and knives and laid them on his bed. Legolas then turned and faced the guards.

"I will be retiring for the night. You may leave now."
One of the guards bowed.
"Of course my lord, before we go I was asked to give you this."

The guard pulled out a small bottle containing a dark liquid. He held it out towards Legolas.
"Lord Elrond has ordered you to take this every night before you go to sleep. It will help you rest easier."

Legolas took the bottle and inspected it in his hand.
It looked nothing like the drink that Elrond had given him before, something was wrong...

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