We Have To Go Back

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Tauriel awoke leaning up against the trunk of a tree. For a moment she feared that last night had only been a dream.

"Good morning, I hope that you slept well."
Legolas appeared from behind another tree carrying two freshly caught fish.

"I did thank you."
Tauriel stretched and stood up. "Where did you get the fish?"

"There is a stream not too far from here. I also started a fire before I left and filled my waterskin."

Legolas knelt beside the fire he had made and retrieved his hunting knife.

"I have to thank Feren for placing one in the horse's saddle. Or else we would have no way to store water."

While Legolas cleaned the fish Tauriel wandered around the small wooded area where they had camped for the night.

She barely remembered anything about their ride, only that neither of them spoke until they found the trees.

Tauriel had fallen asleep the moment she was on solid ground. Legolas had tended to the horse first, removing its saddle and bridle so that it could be comfortable during the night.

Tauriel still couldn't believe that she was actually there, with the one she loved more than her own life.

And now she knew that Legolas felt the same way towards her. He would go where she went and she would never leave his side.

Tauriel noticed a small bush covered with berries. After inspecting them closely she realized that they were blue berries.

Thank Yavanna! These will go perfectly with the fish.

She picked as many as she could carry and brought them back to the camp.

Legolas was almost finished cooking the fish by the time Tauriel returned.

"I found something for you."
Tauriel showed him the berries she had gathered.
Legolas smiled as he took four of the berries and tossed them all into his mouth.

"I did not know that you enjoyed blue berries so much."
Tauriel arched her eyebrow while Legolas laughed.

"If I have one weakness Tauriel, it is blue berries."
Tauriel rolled her eyes as Legolas grabbed three more from her hands.

"Are the fish done?"
Legolas inspected them and nodded.
He took them off of the fire and Tauriel divided the berries between them.

Even though she knew that Legolas took extra when he thought she wasn't looking.

Once they had eaten Legolas threw sand over the fire and while Tauriel went to collect more berries.

They didn't know how long they would be traveling and they would need something to keep their hunger at bay.

Of course, they didn't really need to worry about going hungry, but Tauriel knew that Legolas would appreciate the berries.

A loud blast of a horn caused Tauriel to drop all the berries she had picked.

What was that?

She was about to call for Legolas when he suddenly appeared at her side.

"Legolas, what kind of horn is that?"
"An orc horn."
Legolas replied grimly.

His eyes were narrowed and his body was tense and alert.
"Follow me."
Legolas led her to a large tree and they began climbing.

Once they reached the tallest branch they looked out on a massive, black sea of orcs.
Tauriel's eyes widened in horror as she watched them march west.

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