Plan of Escape

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Legolas couldn't believe that he had allowed himself to be captured by Jakov once again. Why hadn't he just left when he'd had the chance?

He had managed to stay awake that night and had quietly disappeared from the camp, leaving no trace of where he had gone.

As he was making his way west he found Jakov and his men heading straight for the Dunedain's camp.

Instead of leaving the Rangers to solve the problem themselves Legolas had decided to go back and warn them.

He hadn't expected Estel or the others to have gotten captured by Jakov's men, and after seeing Forlin get shot by an arrow Legolas had become filled with anger.

Looking back on the situation Legolas figured that it probably would have been better if he had gone back to the camp and gathered a few Rangers to aid their companions instead of going in alone.

Everyone is always telling you that you must stop rushing blindly into battle without thinking.

Legolas cursed under his breath as he tripped over a tree root and almost fell.

"This should be good enough for now boys."
Jakov announced bringing them to a stop.
"We'll rest here for the night and continue at dawn."

One of the men shoved Legolas forward towards a tree and forced him to sit down.

If his arms hadn't been tied to his sides he would have been able to put up more of a fight.

Legolas noticed that they had seperated him from the others, actually they had taken Halbarad and Estel and tied them together back to back.

Legolas inwardly groaned as he realized what that meant for him.

"Don't think I'm enjoying this
Brion hissed.
"The feeling is mutual."
Legolas snapped.

Of all the things Jakov could have done to him he just had to tie him to the man who despised him as much as Legolas did.

Legolas sighed and tried to shift himself into a more comfortable position, which caused Brion to elbow him in the back.

"Stop squirming elf! You're making it worse."
Legolas responded by knocking the back of his head into Brion's.

The man bit on his toungue to keep himself from shouting in pain while Legolas grinned to himself.

Once his moment of triumph passed Legolas began thinking of ways for them to escape.

Jakov believed that the elf was weaponless but he still had one dagger, the one Estel had given him, hidden in his right boot

Jakov didn't know much about elves, if he did he would know that they could fight left handed, and would have made sure to search him for weapons more thoroughly.

The dagger was how he had escaped last time. He wondered if Estel had been able to put two and two together and figure out that he had probably hidden a weapon.

Things will go much better if he hasn't considered that possibilty.

One problem he faced was that he couldn't reach the dagger. If he wasn't tied to Brion he could probably manage it easily and cut himself free.

Another problem was that he wasn't just trying to save himself; he had to get Estel, Halbarad, and Brion out with him.

Although I would not mind leaving Brion behind.

Legolas thought to himself. Unfortunately in order to escape he would need the man's help.

He waited until none of Jakov's men were near before quietly informing Brion that he had a weapon.

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